Project Delta Autoloot/Loot Anywhere

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Script Credit :- Hebra


Loot Anywhere

hange the ItemToSearchFor variable to the item name you want to search, check your spelling to make sure you're grabbing the correct item, if it is correct and nothing pops up, that means there is no item by that name that is lootable in the map. You can add blocked item names by changing the BlacklistedNames table.


local ItemToSearchFor = "AKM" -- Item you want local BlacklistedNames = {"Stock", "Front", "Handle", "Hider", "Brake"} -- Blacklisted Items function IsBlacklisted(Name) local Pass = false for NameIndex,BlacklistedName in pairs(BlacklistedNames) do if Name:lower():find(BlacklistedName:lower()) then Pass = true break end end return Pass end local Module = require(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGui.Modules.InventoryFunctions) local InventoriesSearched = {} for _,v in next, workspace:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("StringValue") and v.Name:lower():find(ItemToSearchFor:lower()) and IsBlacklisted(v.Name) == false and v.Parent.Name == "Inventory" and not (InventoriesSearched[v.Parent.Parent] or InventoriesSearched[v.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent]) then local ObjectToLoot = v.Parent.Parent if ObjectToLoot:IsA("Model") then else ObjectToLoot = ObjectToLoot.Parent.Parent end InventoriesSearched[ObjectToLoot] = true if ObjectToLoot.PrimaryPart then if not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(ObjectToLoot) then Module.self.GameplayVariables.CurrentContainer.Value = ObjectToLoot game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Loot:InvokeServer(Module.self.GameplayVariables.CurrentContainer.Value, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart.Position) Module:ToggleBackpack(true, true) wait(0.5) for _,Cont in next, game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGui.MainFrame.BackpackFrame.Loot.Inventory.ScrollingFrame:GetDescendants() do if Cont.Name == "Item" and Cont:IsA("ObjectValue") and Cont.Value and Cont.Value.Name:lower():find(ItemToSearchFor:lower()) and IsBlacklisted(Cont.Value.Name) == false then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.QuickLoot:FireServer(Cont.Parent.Name) end end wait(0.5) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Loot:InvokeServer(nil) end end end end