Kohls Admin House GUI | CMD

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Script Credit :- quiving#9135



+ Serverlock (slock/unslock OR serverlock/unserverlock)
+ Loopgrab (loopgrab) - grabs all the pads indefinitely until unloopgrab is run.
+ Whitelist (wl user/unwl user OR blacklist/unblacklist user) - this only whitelists someone from slock for now
+ Blacklist (bl user/unbl user OR whitelist/unwhitelist user) - this blacklists the given user from the server until you unblacklist them.
+ Padban (padban user/unpadban user)
+ Server Protection (pserv/unpserv) - This prevents vampire crash, admin abuse (jail all, kill all, etc)
+ Regen pads (regen)
+ Remove Regen (rregen)
+ Bring regen (gregen)
+ Remove Pads (rpads)
+ Bring Pads (gpads)
+ Remove Obby (robby)
+ Remove house | BROKEN (rhouse) - dont use this lmao
+ Find Regen (fregen)
+ Find Pads (fpads)
+ Antikill (nokill)
+ Remove Baseplate (rbaseplate)
+ Bring Baseplate (gbaseplate)
+ Rejoin (rj/rejoin)
+ Serverhop (shop/serverhop)
+ Bring obby (gobby)
+ Crash (crash) - Vampire crash
+ Loop command (loop + msg | spam + msg)
+ Perm admin for all (perm | noperm to turn off)
+ Perm admin blacklist (pbl/unpbl | permblacklist/unpermblacklist | pblacklist/unpblacklist)
+ Respawn (xres) [allows you to respawn without admin]
+ Antiabuse (antiabuse | noabuse) Prevents you from being punished, jailed, frozen, etc.)
+ SS Btools (btools) [made by humanoid#5242]
+ House (house) - Teleports you to the house

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

_G.cmdbarhotkey = "." --hotkey to type in cmdbar _G.Prefix = ";" --prefix to chat cmds e.g. ";house" loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quiving2/cmd/main/main.lua'))()