Build A Boat, Infinite Blocks

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Script Credit :- Suika Ibuki

Infinite Blocks

you need 350+ gold 


-- services. local game = game; local getService = game.GetService; local workspace = getService(game, 'Workspace'); local players = getService(game, 'Players'); -- client&indexing. local client = players.LocalPlayer; local clientGuis = client.PlayerGui; local destroy = game.Destroy; local isA = game.IsA; local findFirstChild = game.FindFirstChild; -- remove annoying buying effects. local itemGainedScript = findFirstChild(clientGuis.ItemGained, 'LocalScript', true); -- Recursive because im lazy (〃▽〃) if itemGainedScript then destroy(itemGainedScript); end; clientGuis.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(c) -- Not going to bother with indexing a signal if c.Name == 'NoChestAnimation' or (isA(c, 'LocalScript') and c.Parent.Name == 'DisplayGainedItem') then task.defer(destroy, c); end; end); -- calculate gold? friend said you had to divide by 60 idk. local gold = client.Data.Gold; local calculatedGold = gold.Value / 60; gold.Changed:Connect(function(v) calculatedGold = v / 60; end); -- funny while true do! local buy = workspace.ItemBoughtFromShop; local invoke_server = buy.InvokeServer; while true do pcall(invoke_server, buy, 'Winter Chest', calculatedGold); -- Due the game actually erroring, Gift4 goofy ass shit ? task.wait(); end;