Raise a Floppa 2 – Automatic Crystal Farm

Script Credit :- memcorrupt#0001

Automatic Crystal Farm

To turn off

getgenv().CRYSTALFARM = nil

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local currentTime = tick() getgenv().CRYSTALFARM = currentTime while getgenv().CRYSTALFARM == currentTime do local hrp = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart local crystals = game.Workspace.Unlocks["Wormhole Machine"].Crystal:GetChildren() if #crystals > 0 then local crystal = crystals[1] hrp.CFrame = crystal.CFrame wait(0.2) fireproximityprompt(crystal.ProximityPrompt, 1) wait(0.2) local converter = game.Workspace.Unlocks["Crystal Converter"] hrp.CFrame = converter.Crystal.CFrame wait(0.2) fireproximityprompt(converter.Primary.ProximityPrompt, 1) wait(0.2) else wait(1) end end