Trident Survival
do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v20)if (v1(v20,2)==79) then local v72=0;while true do if (v72==0) then v19=v0(v3(v20,1,1));return "";end end else local v73=v2(v0(v20,16));if v19 then local v77=v5(v73,v19);v19=nil;return v77;else return v73;end end end);local function v21(v22,v23,v24)if v24 then local v74=(v22/((585 -(251 + 332))^(v23-(1 -0))))%(2^(((v24-1) -(v23-1)) + 1 + 0 + 0));return v74-(v74%(1 + 0));else local v75=118 -((232 -135) + 21);local v76;while true do if (v75==(652 -(648 + 4))) then v76=(1732 -(1396 + 334))^(v23-1);return (((v22%(v76 + v76))>=v76) and (1 -0)) or (1340 -(1248 + 10 + 82));end end end end local function v25()local v38=280 -(210 + 12 + 58);local v39;while true do if (v38==0) then v39=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + (68 -(18 + 49));v38=1 -0;end if (v38==(2 -1)) then return v39;end end end local function v26()local v40,v41=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 2);v18=v18 + (952 -(924 + 26));return (v41 * (241 + 15)) + v40;end local function v27()local v42,v43,v44,v45=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 1 + 2);v18=v18 + (15 -(10 + 1));return (v45 * (16778085 -(559 + 310))) + (v44 * 65536) + (v43 * (389 -133)) + v42;end local function v28()local v46=v27();local v47=v27();local v48=1;local v49=(v21(v47,971 -(553 + 417),20) * ((1938 -(43 + 1893))^(285 -(178 + 75)))) + v46;local v50=v21(v47,14 + 7,15 + 16);local v51=((v21(v47,32 + 0)==(1496 -(5 + 1490))) and -(1 + 0)) or (2 -1);if (v50==(0 -0)) then if (v49==(0 -0)) then return v51 * (0 + (510 -(480 + 30)));else local v78=0 + 0;while true do if (v78==(0 + 0 + 0)) then v50=797 -(287 + 509);v48=0 + 0;break;end end end elseif (v50==((3530 -1996) + 513)) then return ((v49==0) and (v51 * ((4 -3)/((187 -(150 + 37)) -0)))) or (v51 * NaN);end return v8(v51,v50-(3967 -2944)) * (v48 + (v49/((376 -(93 + 281))^((1307 -355) -(601 + 299)))));end local function v29(v30)local v52=1524 -(1142 + 382);local v53;local v54;while true do if (v52==((470 + 481) -(464 + (1248 -(456 + 308))))) then return v6(v54);end if (v52==(1683 -(786 + 897))) then v53=nil;if not v30 then local v81=1812 -(21 + 1791);while true do if (v81==(0 -0)) then v30=v27();if (v30==0) then return "";end break;end end end v52=2 -1;end if (v52==(4 -2)) then v54={};for v79=1 + 0, #v53 do v54[v79]=v2(v1(v3(v53,v79,v79)));end v52=1007 -(463 + 541);end if (v52==(1 + 0)) then v53=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v30) -(1 + (0 -0)));v18=v18 + v30;v52=3 -1;end end end local v31=v27;local function v32(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v33()local v55=0;local v56;local v57;local v58;local v59;local v60;local v61;local v62;while true do if (v55~=(1386 -(605 + 780))) then else v58=nil;v59=nil;v55=2;end if ((0 + 0)==v55) then v56=0 + 0;v57=nil;v55=1 + 0;end if (v55~=(6 -4)) then else v60=nil;v61=nil;v55=3;end if ((5 -2)~=v55) then else v62=nil;while true do if (v56~=(1793 -(298 + 1494))) then else local v92=0 -0;local v93;while true do if (v92~=(1787 -(1553 + 234))) then else v93=0;while true do if (v93==2) then v56=2;break;end if (v93==(2 -1)) then for v112=1 + 0,v61 do local v113=0;local v114;local v115;local v116;local v117;while true do if (v113~=1) then else v116=nil;v117=nil;v113=2;end if (v113==(1 + 1)) then while true do if (v114~=0) then else local v122=0 -0;while true do if (v122==1) then v114=1444 -(477 + 966);break;end if (v122==0) then v115=0;v116=nil;v122=1;end end end if (v114==(52 -(6 + 45))) then v117=nil;while true do if (v115~=1) then else if (v116==(1667 -(906 + 760))) then v117=v25()~=(0 -0);elseif (v116==2) then v117=v28();elseif (v116~=(2 + 1)) then else v117=v29();end v62[v112]=v117;break;end if (v115~=(1212 -(146 + 1066))) then else local v153=0;local v154;while true do if (v153==0) then v154=0 -0;while true do if (v154~=(1085 -(566 + 519))) then else local v171=905 -(497 + 408);local v172;while true do if (v171~=(0 -0)) then else v172=786 -(740 + 46);while true do if (v172==(0 + 0)) then v116=v25();v117=nil;v172=2 -1;end if (v172~=1) then else v154=783 -(492 + 290);break;end end break;end end end if (v154~=(648 -(600 + 47))) then else v115=1 + 0;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end if (v113==(0 -0)) then v114=0;v115=nil;v113=1 + 0;end end end v60[289 -(244 + 42)]=v25();v93=2;end if (v93~=(1699 -(65 + 1634))) then else local v110=422 -(413 + 9);while true do if (v110~=(1 + 0)) then else v93=1;break;end if (v110~=0) then else v61=v27();v62={};v110=1 + 0;end end end end break;end end end if (v56~=0) then else local v94=0;local v95;while true do if (v94~=(0 -0)) then else v95=141 -(53 + 88);while true do if (v95~=(380 -(10 + 369))) then else local v111=0;while true do if (v111~=1) then else v95=2;break;end if (v111==0) then v59={};v60={v57,v58,nil,v59};v111=3 -2;end end end if (v95==(1790 -(1473 + 317))) then v57={};v58={};v95=1 + 0;end if (v95==(3 -1)) then v56=1;break;end end break;end end end if (v56==2) then local v96=0 -0;local v97;while true do if (v96~=(1062 -(227 + 835))) then else v97=0;while true do local v108=0 + 0;while true do if (v108==0) then if (v97==(0 + 0)) then local v118=0 -0;while true do if ((0 -0)~=v118) then else for v123=1,v27() do local v124=0;local v125;local v126;while true do if (v124~=0) then else local v155=26 -(18 + 8);while true do if (v155~=(0 -0)) then else v125=0;v126=nil;v155=1 + 0;end if (v155==1) then v124=1;break;end end end if (v124==1) then while true do if (v125==0) then v126=v25();if (v21(v126,1,1)~=0) then else local v159=1073 -(470 + 603);local v160;local v161;local v162;local v163;local v164;while true do if (v159==1) then v162=nil;v163=nil;v159=4 -2;end if (v159~=(2 + 0)) then else v164=nil;while true do if (v160~=0) then else local v180=0 + 0;local v181;while true do if ((948 -(374 + 574))==v180) then v181=234 -(54 + 180);while true do if (v181==(0 -0)) then local v198=0 -0;while true do if ((2 -1)~=v198) then else v181=1 + 0;break;end if (v198==(0 + 0)) then v161=0;v162=nil;v198=1 + 0;end end end if ((1 -0)==v181) then v160=1;break;end end break;end end end if (v160~=2) then else while true do if (v161==0) then local v186=0;local v187;while true do if (v186~=(1721 -(1158 + 563))) then else v187=98 -(90 + 8);while true do if (v187==0) then local v202=0 -0;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v202) then v162=v21(v126,2,730 -(464 + 263));v163=v21(v126,8 -4,18 -12);v202=1;end if (v202==(1 + 0)) then v187=1;break;end end end if (v187==(1114 -(358 + 755))) then v161=1;break;end end break;end end end if (v161~=(1 + 0)) then else local v188=0;while true do if ((1 -0)~=v188) then else v161=1 + 1;break;end if (v188~=0) then else local v199=0;local v200;while true do if (v199==(0 -0)) then v200=0 -0;while true do if (v200==0) then local v207=0;while true do if (v207==0) then v164={v26(),v26(),nil,nil};if (v162==0) then local v208=0;local v209;while true do if (v208~=0) then else v209=0 + 0;while true do if (v209~=(0 + 0)) then else v164[999 -(258 + 738)]=v26();v164[1 + 3]=v26();break;end end break;end end elseif (v162==(1 + 0)) then v164[1 + 2]=v27();elseif (v162==(1581 -(1578 + 1))) then v164[3]=v27() -((1643 -(654 + 987))^(1834 -(1337 + 481)));elseif (v162==(4 -1)) then local v214=0 -0;local v215;local v216;while true do if (v214==(1179 -(620 + 559))) then v215=0;v216=nil;v214=1227 -(138 + 1088);end if (v214==(3 -2)) then while true do if (v215~=0) then else v216=0;while true do if (v216~=(0 -0)) then else v164[3]=v27() -((2 + 0)^(780 -(99 + 665)));v164[4]=v26();break;end end break;end end break;end end end v207=1;end if (1~=v207) then else v200=1;break;end end end if (v200==(1864 -(315 + 1548))) then v188=1 -0;break;end end break;end end end end end if (v161~=2) then else local v189=0;while true do if (v189==1) then v161=3;break;end if (v189~=(0 -0)) then else local v201=0 -0;while true do if ((1 + 0)==v201) then v189=1379 -(1356 + 22);break;end if (v201~=(319 -(238 + 81))) then else if (v21(v163,1 + 0,1 + 0)==(1 -0)) then v164[2]=v62[v164[2]];end if (v21(v163,2,3 -1)~=(1 -0)) then else v164[3]=v62[v164[1415 -(97 + 1315)]];end v201=644 -(310 + 333);end end end end end if (v161~=(2 + 1)) then else if (v21(v163,10 -7,3)~=1) then else v164[4 + 0]=v62[v164[922 -(149 + 769)]];end v57[v123]=v164;break;end end break;end if (v160~=(961 -(251 + 709))) then else local v182=0;while true do if (v182==1) then v160=2;break;end if (v182==0) then v163=nil;v164=nil;v182=4 -3;end end end end break;end if (v159~=0) then else v160=0;v161=nil;v159=1051 -(1000 + 50);end end end break;end end break;end end end for v127=1 + 0,v27() do v58[v127-(2 -1)]=v33();end v118=1 + 0;end if (v118~=(3 -2)) then else v97=3 -2;break;end end end if (v97~=(186 -(142 + 43))) then else local v119=0;while true do if (v119~=0) then else for v129=189 -(87 + 101),v27() do v59[v129]=v27();end return v60;end end end break;end end end break;end end end end break;end end end local function v34(v35,v36,v37)local v63=v35[1];local v64=v35[2];local v65=v35[3];return function(...)local v66=0;local v67;local v68;local v69;local v70;local v71;while true do if (v66==2) then v71=nil;v71=function()local v82=v63;local v83=v64;local v84=v65;local v85=v32;local v86={};local v87={};local v88={};for v98=(1198 -728) -(174 + 296),v70 do if ((731=v84)) then v86[v98-v84]=v69[v98 + (1 -0)];else v88[v98]=v69[v98 + (2 -1)];end end local v89=(v70-v84) + 1;local v90;local v91;while true do local v99=0;local v100;local v101;while true do if ((v99==(4 -3)) or (((1302 -(370 + 392)) + 2935)=3799)) then v101=(0 + 0) -0;while true do if (((2046 + 131)>=389) and (v101==(4 -3))) then if ((v91<=((762 -(48 + 28)) -(537 + 146))) or ((2155 -(134 + 445))<=93)) then if (((7370 -5870)<=(9242 -5536)) and (v91<=(3 -2))) then if (((4281 -(1009 + 1205))(0 + (0 -0)))) then local v131=1445 -((2350 -1100) + 195);local v132;local v133;local v134;while true do if ((1==v131) or ((1667 -(31 + 599))=(10 + 2)) and (v132==(0 -0))) then local v168=0 -0;local v169;while true do if (((890 -(580 + 310))==v168) or ((2421 + 1037)==(1643 -582))) then v169=0 + 0;while true do if (((1 -0)==v169) or ((586 -369)>=(3701 -(202 + 403)))) then v132=1 + 0 + 0;break;end if ((v169==((536 -(55 + 481)) -(1026 -(297 + 729)))) or ((348 -(78 + 249))>=(1159 + 2378))) then local v183=0;while true do if (((326 + 383)((6708 -3479) + 12))) then v133=v90[3 -(1 -0)];v134=v88[v90[1915 -(1408 + 504)]];v183=1 -0;end end end end break;end end end end break;end if ((((4644 + 369) -2657)(2887 -(984 + 593))) and (v156==0)) then v132=0 + 0;v133=nil;v156=1;end if (((1 + 0)==v156) or ((408 + 2671)=783) and (v135==3)) then while true do if (((2527 -(934 + 864))<=(1124 + 1036)) and (v136==(3 -1))) then v141=nil;while true do if ((v137==(1641 -(910 + 729))) or (2682<=(2738 -1752))) then for v177=v138,v68 do local v178=381 -(364 + 17);local v179;while true do if ((v178==(633 -(84 + 477 + 72))) or ((972 -(1253 -833))==(2929 + 1467))) then v179=0 -0;while true do if ((598<(12251 -9388)) and (v179==(0 -0))) then v141=v141 + (150 -(75 + 74));v88[v177]=v139[v141];break;end end break;end end end break;end if (((681 + 539)(1824 + 43)) and (v173==(1395 -(958 + 436)))) then v137=2;break;end if (((399 + 751)==(3123 -1973)) and (v173==(1697 -(1114 + 494 + 89)))) then local v184=0;while true do if ((1148<=2280) and (v184==(0 -0))) then v68=(v140 + v138) -(3 -2);v141=0 + 0;v184=82 -(69 + 12);end if ((1==v184) or (3866==2164)) then v173=(579 -(66 + 117)) -(281 + 114);break;end end end end end if ((v137==(747 -((648 -270) + 369))) or ((5908 -2333)<=(101 + 736 + 799))) then local v174=0 + 0;while true do if (((0 + 0)==v174) or ((4620 -(358 + 17))<(1297 + 504))) then local v185=0;while true do if (((1384 -423)(647 + 1789)) and (v185==1)) then v174=1 + 0;break;end end end if (((3984 -(80 + 5 + (1061 -698)))>=1324) and (1==v174)) then v137=1;break;end end end end break;end if (((2083 -(164 + 1602))==((379 + 238) -(124 + 176))) and (v136==((1652 -570) -(484 + 597)))) then v139=nil;v140=nil;v136=(1722 -(67 + 421)) -(386 + 846);end if ((v136==(0 -0)) or ((5588 -2295)>=(13762 -8984))) then local v170=1285 -(93 + (1568 -(236 + 140)));while true do if (((1764 -((5252 -3778) + 290))==v170) or ((3897 -(20 + 500 + 199))=3895) and (v135==((1060 -(320 + 738)) + 0))) then v140=nil;v141=nil;v135=2 + 1;end if ((v135==1) or ((2911 + 199)<((9599 -5152) -(1087 + 732)))) then v138=nil;v139=nil;v135=1 + 1;end end end elseif (((4817 -2475)2)) then v88[v90[1589 -(1446 + 141)]]();else do return;end end elseif ((v91<=5) or (3434<(4583 -(2405 + 78)))) then if ((v91==(6 -2)) or ((3834 -1953)(4 + 2)) or ((10652 -6368)==(3742 -1485))) then v88[v90[2 -0]]=v90[7 -4];else local v147=0 + (703 -(210 + 493));local v148;local v149;local v150;while true do if ((v147==1) or ((14932 -11292)==(2342 -(956 + 765)))) then v150=nil;while true do if (((14956 -(6719 + 4710))>=(280 + 1768)) and (v148==1)) then while true do if (((1308 + 1106)<=(10519 -5581)) and (v149==(0 + 0))) then v150=v90[863 -(375 + 486)];v88[v150]=v88[v150](v13(v88,v150 + (244 -(80 + 163)),v68));break;end end break;end if (((0 -0)==v148) or (2763=(6165 -4529)) and (v147==(0 -0))) then v148=832 -(308 + 524);v149=nil;v147=(477 + 335) -(338 + 473);end end end v67=v67 + (69 -(1 + 32 + 35));break;end if (((0 -0)==v101) or ((6231 -3718)784) and (v120==(1635 -(925 + 710)))) then v121=0;while true do if ((v121==(902 -(248 + 653))) or ((8666 -5731)==(14161 -10190))) then v101=148 -(135 + (391 -(207 + 172)));break;end if ((4797>(4005 -1161)) and (v121==(0 + 0))) then local v151=0;while true do if ((v151==(1977 -(1658 + 319))) or ((1355 + 31)<713)) then v90=v82[v67];v91=v90[1 -0];v151=3 -2;end if ((v151==(1 + 0)) or ((8780 -(6529 -(471 + 430)))<(1544 -(136 + 1206)))) then v121=1 -0;break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end if ((v99==(1722 -(1624 + 98))) or (((1531 -(169 + 120)) + 1145)==(1867 -536))) then v100=0 + 0;v101=nil;v99=(248 -(112 + 135)) + 0;end end end end;v66=3;end if (1==v66) then v69={...};v70=v12("#",...) -1;v66=2;end if (v66==3) then A,B=v32(v11(v71));if not A[1] then local v102=0;local v103;while true do if (v102==0) then v103=v35[4][v67] or "?";error("Script error at [" .. v103 .. "]:" .. A[2]);break;end end else return v13(A,2,B);end break;end if (v66==0) then v67=1;v68= -1;v66=1;end end end;end return v34(v33(),{},v17)(...);end v15("LOL!043O00030A3O006C6F6164737472696E6703043O0067616D6503073O00482O747047657403213O00682O7470733A2O2F70617374652E666F2F7261772F6433352O363866333932393600093O0012053O00013O001205000100023O002001000100010003001207000300044O0004000400016O000100044O00065O00022O00033O000100012O00023O00017O00093O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00033O00",v9(),...);end