Abyss World | Get every Check-Points

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Script Credit :- truth#0001

 Get every Check-Points
Teleports you to checkpoint positions and uses fireproximityprompt.

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local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local CheckPoints = game:GetService("Workspace").Map.Ignore.Checkpoints -- > CheckPoints folder local PositionTable = { -- > Why am i making a table for the positions? Because the part of the CheckPoint does not exist since we didn't render it. {Vector3.new(-49, 21414, 330), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 0: Temple of the Abyss"]}, {Vector3.new(-11, 21254, -105), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 1: Windmill Town"]}, {Vector3.new(40, 21013, -166), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 2: Moss Underhang"]}, {Vector3.new(-298, 20995, -412), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 3: Worker's Burrow"]}, {Vector3.new(-39, 20780, -595), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 4: Wooded Boundary"]}, {Vector3.new(-81, 20343, -786), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 5: Ruined Umbra"]}, {Vector3.new(-205, 20041, -185), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 6: Root Canal"]}, {Vector3.new(-413, 19797, -498), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 7: Cardinal Spire"]}, {Vector3.new(186, 19421, -79), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 8: Stagnant Pipeworks"]}, {Vector3.new(-411, 19156, -552), CheckPoints["Checkpoint 9: Sprouting Baths"]}} for _, v in ipairs(PositionTable) do if not LocalPlayer.Checkpoints:FindFirstChild(v[2].Name) then -- > Skip if we already have the CheckPoint unlocked LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(v[1]) -- > We teleport to the location of the CheckPoint wait(1.5) -- > We wait 1.5 seconds for the game to render while not LocalPlayer.Checkpoints:FindFirstChild(v[2].Name) do -- > We fire proximity prompt in a loop if we don't have the CheckPoint unlocker wait() fireproximityprompt(v[2].Part.ProximityPrompt, (LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v[1]).Magnitude) LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(v[1]) end wait() end end

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