--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--
--Autofarm Settings
_G.Farm = true
_G.Settings = {
World = 1, --1-4
Level = 20, --1-20 (Inf could be 21 idk)
Difficulty = "Normal", --Easy/Normal/Hard/Extreme
--Autofeed Settings
LeaveOneLeft = true, --Leaves one Unit Left so you dont lose it
UnitToFeed = "Slime Lord", --Choose the Unit you want to Level up
allowedRarity = {"Common","Uncommon"}, --choose which rarities you want to be fed to your selected Unit
--Autopull Settings
coinpull = true, --Enable coin pull if enough coins
coinpullten = true, --enable coin pull for x10 pulls
gempull = true, --Enable gem pull if enough gems
gempullten = true, --enable gem pull for x10 pulls
loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://www.assasine03.com/Scripts/Anime_Brawl_All_Out.lua", true))()