Backstretch Battles Remastered ADMIN [CRASH ALL, CRASH PLAYERS, HOOD TELEPORT] by Admin | Mar 4, 2021 | Scripts Backstretch Battles Remastered ADMIN [CRASH ALL, CRASH PLAYERS, HOOD TELEPORT] Features Features: CRASH PLAYER CRASH ALL HOOD TELEPORT SLOW PLAYERS COMMANDS LIST: crash [plrname] crashall [waittime] (waittime is the amount of time taken to crash someone default:2) hoodtp [plrname] (teleports onto a players hood) slow [plrname] (teleports to a player and slows down their car) spawnenter [nil] (spawns a car, and gets in it, useful for teleporting to someones hood and spawning on them to re-enter a race) DEV NOTES: crash,crashall,hoodtp, and slow all require you to be outside of a car when you use the command Ads Download Share It With Your Friend Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Random Script Burn Stuff And Get Rich AutofarmRead MoreAugust 25, 2023 Black Adam Experience GET SCAVENGER HUNT ITEM – TRIVIA ITEM & MERCH – FREE SCRIPTRead MoreOctober 17, 2022 Race Clicker | Auto ClickerRead MoreAugust 21, 2022 Blood Moon Tycoon 2 KILL ALL, GOD MODEBlood Moon Tycoon 2 KILL ALL, GOD MODE Features Created...Read MoreNovember 18, 2020 Swordman Simulator | UNPATCHEDRead MoreMarch 16, 2022