Banana Suite Blox Fruits LITE

Script Credit :- xiba#9065

Banana Suite Blox Fruits LITE


getgenv().Banana = { AutoFarm = { Enabled = false, -- true / false to enable autofarm FastMode = true, -- disable this if ur loosing fps DoTick = false, -- enable this if ur in first sea if u want AntiAFK = true, -- leave it on bruh Clump = true, -- disable this if ur not getting much progress AutomateStats = false, -- if u want it to auto stat AutoStats = { ['Melee'] = false, ['Defense'] = false, ['Sword'] = false, ['Gun'] = false, ['Demon Fruit'] = false, -- devil fruit }, EquipTool = false, -- auto equip weapon Tool = "", -- ex: Ice-Ice / Electro Mode = "Questline", -- Questline or Chests AttackMode = "Function", -- leave it like this AutoBuso = false, -- auto haki } };if Loaded then return end;getgenv().Loaded=true; local Status, Script = pcall(game.HttpGet, game, ''); if Status then loadstring(Script)(); else game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer:Kick('Failed to connect to github'); end

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