--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--
repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded()
Fruits = {
"Human: Buddha Fruit",
"Bird: Phoenix Fruit",
"Rumble Fruit",
"Paw Fruit",
"Gravity Fruit",
"Dough Fruit",
"Control Fruit",
"V,enom Fruit",
"Shadow Fruit",
"Dragon Fruit" ,
"Soul Fruit",
"Leopard Fruit"
Valuable = {"Dough Fruit","Shadow Fruit","Venom Fruit","Control Fruit","Dragon Fruit","Soul Fruit","Leopard Fruit"} ------ it will stop the script if you got this fruit
Webhook = "" --------------------------------Optional
Store = true --------------------------------Auto Store after it got the fruit
Safeplace = true ----------------------------- Safeplace
Repeat = true --------------------------------- Repeat continues hopping
WaitTime = 10 ---------------------------------------------------- Set time how much time does the script execute higher number means slow but will not bug out For Synapse only