Combat Warriors: Inf Stamina, Inf Jumps

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Combat Warriors: Inf Stamina, Inf Jumps


for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do if typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "getIsMaxed") then v.getIsMaxed = function() return false end v.getFlags = function() return 1 end v.addFlags = function(a,b) a:setFlags(0) return end end if typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "spawnCharacter") then local oldfunc = v.spawnCharacter v.SpawnCharacter = function(a) for _,f in pairs(getgc(true)) do if typeof(f) == "table" and rawget(f, "getIsMaxed") then f.getIsMaxed = function() return false end f.getFlags = function() return 1 end f.addFlags = function(aa,b) aa:setFlags(0) return end end end end end if typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "getCanJump") then v.getCanJump = function() return true end end if typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "JUMP_DELAY_ADD") then v.JUMP_DELAY_ADD = 0.5 end if typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "_setStamina") then v._setStamina = function(a, b) a._stamina = math.huge a._staminaChangedSignal:Fire(99) end end end game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "CB", Text = "Script loaded, "".", Duration = 4,})