Critical Legends | God mode, Auto Farm, Grab Chests, and Auto Stats

Script Credit :- HamstaGang

God mode 

auto farm

grad chests 

auto stats



-- LOAD GUI & LIBRARY (Wally Lib) -- local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() -- GUI Window local farm = library:CreateWindow('Critical Legends') farm:Section('Created by HamstaGang') -- Player Locals local Plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local Curr_Weapon = nil; -- Zones Array local Zones_Arr = {}; local Selected_Zone = "Primis Field 1" function Setup_Zones() -- Zones local Zones = game:GetService("Workspace").Enemies -- Add all zones to array for i, Zone in pairs(Zones:GetChildren()) do table.insert(Zones_Arr, Zone.Name); end end -- God Mode local gOdMoDe gOdMoDe = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...) local method = getnamecallmethod() local args = {...} if not checkcaller() and self.Name == "Damage" and args[3] ~= nil and method == "FireServer" then return; end return gOdMoDe(self, ...) end) -- // Add GUI buttons/toggles/dropdowns \\ -- Capture and setup Zones dropdown Setup_Zones(); local FarmZones = farm:Dropdown('Farm Zones', {flag = "FarmZones"; list = Zones_Arr;}, function(v) Selected_Zone = v; end) -- Toggle Auto Farm local AutoFarm = farm:Toggle('Auto Farm', {flag = "AutoFarm"}) -- Auto Farm spawn(function() while wait() do if farm.flags.AutoFarm then print("-- Farming --") if Selected_Zone ~= "" then print("-- Farming: ".. Selected_Zone .." --") local xZone = game:GetService("Workspace").Enemies[Selected_Zone]; for x, Enemy in pairs(xZone:GetChildren()) do if Enemy.Name ~= "Tier" and farm.flags.AutoFarm then -- Teleport to Enemy (Game has section loading so we need to teleport first) Plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Enemy.EnemyLocation.CFrame; wait(0.2) local Curr_Enemy = Enemy:FindFirstChild(tostring(Enemy.Model.Value), true) if Curr_Enemy then print("-- Farming: Fighting ".. tostring(Enemy.Model.Value) .." --") -- Start Combat Enemy.CombatTrigger:FireServer("Solo") wait(0.3) -- Auto Attack repeat local Curr_Enemy = Enemy:FindFirstChild(tostring(Enemy.Model.Value), true) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Damage:FireServer(Curr_Enemy, Curr_Weapon) wait(0.5); until Curr_Enemy == nil end end end end end end end) farm:Section('Chests') local chest = farm:Button('Grab Chests', function() local chests = game.Workspace.Chests:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(chests) do if not v:FindFirstChild("Open") then plr.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Giver.CFrame end wait(0.5) end end) farm:Section('Stat Leveling') -- Plr Stats local Stats_Folder = Plr.PlayerData.Stats -- Curr Stat local Stat = "Damage"; -- Stat List local StatList = farm:Dropdown('Stat', {flag = "PlrStats"; list = {"Damage"; "Shield"; "Health"; "Mana"; "Magic";};}, function(v) Stat = v; end) local AutoStat = farm:Toggle('Auto Level Stat', {flag = "AutoStat"}) -- Auto Stat Level Function spawn(function() while wait(1) do if farm.flags.AutoStat then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.StatsChange:FireServer(Stat) end end end) -- Auto update current weapon. Combatfolder spawns upon battle. game.Workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if child.ClassName == "Folder" and child.Name == "CombatFolder" then for x,v in pairs(child:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "Folder" then v.ChildAdded:Connect(function(weapon) Curr_Weapon = weapon; end) end end end; end);

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