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Script Credit :- Edwards#1635



repeat wait() until (game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer and game:IsLoaded()) local webhook = "" if game.PlaceId == 5735553160 then --depths webhook = "" elseif game.PlaceId == 6032399813 then --etria webhook = "" end; local port = 7963 local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local hook = hookfunction or detour_function local players1 = game.Players:GetChildren() local RandomPlayer = players1[math.random(1, #players1)] repeat RandomPlayer = players1[math.random(1, #players1)] until RandomPlayer ~= Player local user = Player.Name local count = 0 local count2 = 0 function hop() if isfile(user..".Blocked") == false then writefile(user..".Blocked", "0") local readf = readfile(user..".Blocked") local Response1 = syn.request({ Url = "http://localhost:"..port.."/BlockUser?Account="..user.."&UserId="..RandomPlayer.UserId, Method = "GET" }) rconsoleprint("Blocking:"..RandomPlayer.UserId.."\n") rconsoleprint(Response1.Body.."\n") writefile(user..".Blocked",readf + 1) while wait(4) do game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(4111023553) end; elseif isfile(user..".Blocked") == true then local readf = readfile(user..".Blocked") if tonumber(readf) = 50 then local Response2 = syn.request({ Url = "http://localhost:"..port.."/UnblockEveryone?Account="..user, Method = "GET" }) rconsoleprint(Response2.Body) writefile(user..".Blocked", "0") while wait(4) do game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(4111023553) end; end; end; end; end; local VIM = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") local old; old = hook(game.FindService, function(...) local Arguments = {...}; if (Arguments[2] == 'VirtualInputManager') then return nil; end; return old(...); end) function etria() repeat game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Wait() VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(0,0, 0, true, game, 0); wait(); VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(0,0, 0, false, game, 0); until Player.Character repeat wait() until Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") repeat wait() until (Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position -, -271.57504272461, 1282.8912353516)).Magnitude > 400 repeat wait() until Player.PlayerGui.WorldInfo.InfoFrame.ServerInfo:FindFirstChild("ServerRegion") local v1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Lib); local u1 = { Effects = {}, Classes = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.EffectClasses), Container = nil }; function u1.FindEffect(p30, p31, p32) for v17, v18 in pairs(p30.Effects) do if v18.Class == p31 then if p32 then return v18; end; if not v18.Disabled then return v18; end; end; end; end; local b = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").EffectReplicator); b:WaitForContainer(); local str = "" function GetPlayers() str = "" for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do if v ~= Player then str = str..v.Name.." "; end; end; return str end; function webhookthing(item) local string1 = GetPlayers() local data = { ["content"] = "", ["embeds"] = { { ["title"] = "**" .. "ENCHANT FOUND:" .. item .. "**", ["description"] = string1 .. "\n**REGION:**" .. Player.PlayerGui.WorldInfo.InfoFrame.ServerInfo.ServerRegion.Text, ["type"] = "rich", ["color"] = tonumber(0x7269da), ["image"] = { ["name"] = "Epic Enchant sniper" } } } } local newdata = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data) local headers = { ["content-type"] = "application/json" } local synthing = syn.request { Url = webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = headers, Body = newdata, } end; wait(4) for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do if v:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and v ~= Player then for e,g in pairs(v.Backpack:GetChildren()) do local stringthing = "" if g:IsA("Tool") and string.find(g.ToolTip, "+") and string.find(g.ToolTip,"HVY") and not string.find(g.ToolTip,"%%") or g:IsA("Tool") and string.find(g.ToolTip, "+") and string.find(g.ToolTip,"MED") and not string.find(g.ToolTip,"%%") or g:IsA("Tool") and string.find(g.ToolTip, "+") and string.find(g.ToolTip,"LHT") and not string.find(g.ToolTip,"%%") then local string2 = string.split(g.Name,"$") stringthing = string.split(g.ToolTip, "+") stringthing = " " .. g.Parent.Parent.Name .. " HAS " .. string2[1] .. " ENCHANT: " .. stringthing[2] if g:FindFirstChild("KeepOnDeath") then stringthing = stringthing .. " SOULBOUND" end; webhookthing(stringthing) elseif g:IsA("Tool") and string.find(g.ToolTip, "-") and g:FindFirstChild("Enchant") then local string2 = string.split(g.Name,"$") stringthing = string.split(g.ToolTip, "-") stringthing = " " .. g.Parent.Parent.Name .. " HAS " .. string2[1] .. " ENCHANT: " .. stringthing[2] if g:FindFirstChild("KeepOnDeath") then stringthing = stringthing .. " SOULBOUND" end; webhookthing(stringthing) end; end; end; end; wait(2) repeat wait(1) until not b:FindEffect("Danger") Player:Kick("Finished") hop() end; function getingame() repeat game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Wait() VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(0,0, 0, true, game, 0); wait(); VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(0,0, 0, false, game, 0); until Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Options:FindFirstChild("Option") count = 0 repeat game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Wait() wait(0.1) count = count + 1 VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Options.Option.AbsolutePosition.X + 40, Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Options.Option.AbsolutePosition.Y + 40, 0, true, game, 0); wait(); VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Options.Option.AbsolutePosition.X + 40, Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Options.Option.AbsolutePosition.Y + 40, 0, false, game, 0); until count == 5 wait(0.1) count = 0 repeat game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Wait() wait(0.1) count = count + 1 VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Slots.A.AbsolutePosition.X + 40, Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Slots.A.AbsolutePosition.Y + 40, 0, true, game, 0); wait(); VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Slots.A.AbsolutePosition.X + 40, Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.Slots.A.AbsolutePosition.Y + 40, 0, false, game, 0); until count == 5 wait(0.1) count = 0 repeat game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Wait() wait(0.1) count = count + 1 VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.ServerFrame.QuickJoin.AbsolutePosition.X + 40, Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.ServerFrame.QuickJoin.AbsolutePosition.Y + 40, 0, true, game, 0); wait(); VIM:SendMouseButtonEvent(Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.ServerFrame.QuickJoin.AbsolutePosition.X + 40, Player.PlayerGui.LoadingGui.Overlay.ServerFrame.QuickJoin.AbsolutePosition.Y + 40, 0, false, game, 0); until count == 5 end; if game.PlaceId == 4111023553 then getingame() else etria() end;