Dragon Blade | Infi Gold

Script Credit :- Babyhamsta#0173

infi gold

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local Inventory = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.ItemInventory local ItemArry = {}; function LagReduce() -- Will lag game while removing lmao pcall(function() game:GetService("Workspace").TerrainLoadedModelsFolder:Destroy(); for x,z in pairs(game:GetService("Lighting"):GetChildren()) do z:Destroy(); end end) end for i,v in pairs(Inventory:GetChildren()) do table.insert(ItemArry, v.Name); end LagReduce(); while task.wait() do -- Use Task Spawn due to it being a InvokeServer. task.spawn(function() -- Loop through array for itemx = 1, #ItemArry do game:GetService("Workspace").HeroAssets["Fairy_Tree"].Shop["NPC_Raccoon"].SellItemRequest:InvokeServer(ItemArry[itemx], 0.000000000000001, false) end end) end

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