Eternal Craftwars KILL EVERYTHING

Script Credit :- Synapsium#3992

Note that these instructions assume you haven't edited anything besides the settings.
Also note that the script can be patched at any time, use this on an alt first.

Once the settings are to your liking, you can simply execute the script to turn it on.
Execute again to turn it off, and then you can execute again to turn it on again.
If you want to "refresh" the script for whatever reason (e.g. an error occured),
just re-execute the script twice.

If you want to change the settings after already starting the script,
just change the settings, and then simply refresh the script, and it'll work.

If you plan on going to a subplace (Dungeon, Temple of Riches, etc.),
make sure that getgenv().mineores is toggled off, as there are no mines there.
Keeping that setting on will simply throw an error.

Do not touch your Sword or your Scrap Pickaxe.
You may add new weapons to your inventory,
but do not remove the Sword or Scrap Pickaxe.

Do not hold the Sword or the Scrap Pickaxe.
Keep them in your inventory.

If you die while the script is on, or equip your Sword/Scrap Pickaxe,
you will have to refresh the script.
This can easily be done by re-executing the script twice.

If you remove the Sword or Scrap Pickaxe from your inventory, the script stops working.
To fix it, readd them and refresh the script.


-- Settings -- getgenv().killmobs = true -- Decides whether or not to kill mobs getgenv().mineores = false -- [CURRENTLY PATCHED, DO NOT TURN THIS ON] Decides whether or not to mine ores -- Auto Toggler -- getgenv().on = not on -- Toggles the state of the script, unless for whatever reason you need to manually change the script state, no need to edit this. -- Kill function -- function Kill(hum, isore) --[[ Before we get into this function I'd like to thank SimpleSpy, as it is the remote spy I used to even find this vulnerability. ]] local wep = (isore and game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Scrap Pickaxe")) or game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Sword") -- Above line decides whether to use the pickaxe (if it is an ore) or to use the sword if it isn't. local args = { [1] = "hit", -- Tells the remote that we want to hit something [2] = { [1] = hum, -- The humanoid we want to hit [2] = hum.MaxHealth * 10 -- The damage we deal. It is 10 times their max health to be safe. } } wep.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) -- Fire the remote with the arguments end -- The actual killing -- while on and task.wait() do if killmobs then -- If killing mobs is toggled on for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and v.Name ~= "DPS Tester" and not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) then -- Above line checks that it is a Humanoid, that it isn't the DPS Tester dummy, and that it isn't a player Kill(v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), false) -- Calls kill function on it, and tells the function that it isn't an ore end end end if mineores then -- If mining ores is toggled on -- Mine 1 -- for _, v in pairs(workspace.Mine:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then -- Checks to make sure it has a humanoid Kill(v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), true) -- Calls kill function on the ore, and tells the function that it is an ore end end -- Mine 2 -- for _, v in pairs(workspace.Mine2:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then -- Checks to make sure it has a humanoid Kill(v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), true) -- Calls kill function on the ore, and tells the function that it is an ore end end -- Mine 3 -- for _, v in pairs(workspace.Mine3:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then -- Checks to make sure it has a humanoid Kill(v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), true) -- Calls kill function on the ore, and tells the function that it is an ore end end -- Space mines -- for _, v in pairs(workspace.SpaceMine:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then -- Checks to make sure it has a humanoid Kill(v:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), true) -- Calls kill function on the ore, and tells the function that it is an ore end end end end

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