Fake Report Script | Make fake clips

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Script Credit :- Master#0265

Make fake clips

You just press the play key and the script will automatically redo all your actions with their animations


The script will show a recording label on the middle top of your screen this is to make the proccess of recording easier, if you want to hide it on a video just use obs or roblox built in screen recorder and turn on the hide obs feature on synapse.


 The script does not always play animation correctly if that happens just try again*

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if (_G.replayScriptRan) then return end; _G.replayScriptRan = true; local target = 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME_HERE'; -- Change this to your target's name. local bindKey = {Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl, Enum.KeyCode.Q}; -- By default it's left control + Q (qwerty) or (A) azerty. local bindKey2 = {Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl, Enum.KeyCode.Z}; -- By default it's left control + Z (qwerty) or (W) azerty. local Maid = {}; do -- // Maid Maid.ClassName = "Maid" function Maid.new() return setmetatable({ _tasks = {} }, Maid) end function Maid.isMaid(value) return type(value) == "table" and value.ClassName == "Maid" end function Maid.__index(self, index) if Maid[index] then return Maid[index] else return self._tasks[index] end end function Maid:__newindex(index, newTask) if Maid[index] ~= nil then error(("'%s' is reserved"):format(tostring(index)), 2) end local tasks = self._tasks local oldTask = tasks[index] if oldTask == newTask then return end tasks[index] = newTask if oldTask then if type(oldTask) == "function" then oldTask() elseif typeof(oldTask) == "RBXScriptConnection" then oldTask:Disconnect() elseif typeof(oldTask) == 'table' then oldTask:Remove(); elseif oldTask.Destroy then oldTask:Destroy() end end end function Maid:GiveTask(task) if not task then error("Task cannot be false or nil", 2) end local taskId = #self._tasks+1 self[taskId] = task if typeof(task) == 'table' and not task.Remove then warn("[Maid.GiveTask] - Gave table task without .Remove\n\n" .. debug.traceback()) end return taskId end function Maid:DoCleaning() local tasks = self._tasks for index, task in pairs(tasks) do if typeof(task) == "RBXScriptConnection" then tasks[index] = nil task:Disconnect() end end local index, task = next(tasks) while task ~= nil do tasks[index] = nil if type(task) == "function" then task() elseif typeof(task) == "RBXScriptConnection" then task:Disconnect() elseif typeof(task) == 'table' then task:Remove(); elseif task.Destroy then task:Destroy() end index, task = next(tasks) end end Maid.Destroy = Maid.DoCleaning end; local runService = game:GetService('RunService'); local players = game:GetService('Players'); local userInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService'); local localPlayer = players.LocalPlayer; local character = localPlayer.Character or localPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait(); local maid = Maid.new(); local isRecording = false; local frameRate = 60; local playerCF = {}; local playerAnims = {}; local recordLabel = Drawing.new('Text'); recordLabel.Visible = true; recordLabel.Size = 30; recordLabel.Color = Color3.fromHex('ffffff'); recordLabel.Transparency = 1; recordLabel.Position = Vector2.new(workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X / 2, 50); recordLabel.Center = true; local function reverseTable(t) local newT = {}; for i = #t, 1, -1 do table.insert(newT, t[i]); end; return newT; end; local function startRecording() table.clear(playerAnims); table.clear(playerCF); local rootPart = character.HumanoidRootPart; local humanoid = character.Humanoid; local startedAt = tick(); local lastRanAt = 0; maid:GiveTask(runService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if (tick() - lastRanAt < 1/frameRate) then return end; lastRanAt = tick(); local cframe = rootPart.CFrame; table.insert(playerCF, cframe); end)); for _, animTrack in next, humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do task.spawn(function() local animData = {}; animData.animation = animTrack.Animation.AnimationId; animData.startedAt = 0; animData.position = animTrack.TimePosition; animData.looped = animTrack.Looped; animData.speed = animTrack.Speed; animData.priority = animTrack.Priority; animData.weightTarget = animTrack.WeightTarget; animTrack.Stopped:Wait(); animData.stoppedAt = tick() - startedAt; table.insert(playerAnims, animData); end); end; maid:GiveTask(humanoid.Animator.AnimationPlayed:Connect(function(animTrack) task.wait(); local animData = {}; animData.animation = animTrack.Animation.AnimationId; animData.startedAt = tick() - startedAt; animData.looped = animTrack.Looped; animData.speed = animTrack.Speed; animData.priority = animTrack.Priority; animData.weightTarget = animTrack.WeightTarget; animTrack.Stopped:Wait(); animData.stoppedAt = tick() - startedAt; table.insert(playerAnims, animData); end)); end; local function playRecord() local realPlayerCF = reverseTable(playerCF); local targetChar = players:FindFirstChild(target) and players:FindFirstChild(target).Character; if (not targetChar) then return messagebox('Target not found', 'Error', 0); end; targetChar.Archivable = true; local newCharacter = targetChar:Clone(); for i, v in next, newCharacter:GetDescendants() do if (v:IsA('LuaSourceContainer')) then v:Destroy(); end; end; local fakeCharRoot = newCharacter.HumanoidRootPart; local fakeCharHumanoid = newCharacter.Humanoid; fakeCharRoot.Anchored = true; fakeCharRoot.CFrame = table.remove(realPlayerCF); newCharacter.Parent = workspace; local lastRanAt = 0; maid:GiveTask(runService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if (tick() - lastRanAt < 1/frameRate) then return end; lastRanAt = tick(); local cf = table.remove(realPlayerCF); if (not cf) then return maid:Destroy() end; fakeCharRoot.CFrame = cf; end)); for i, v in next, playerAnims do local animInstance = Instance.new('Animation'); animInstance.AnimationId = v.animation; task.delay(v.startedAt, function() local anim = newCharacter.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animInstance); anim.Priority = v.priority; anim.Looped = v.looped; anim.TimePosition = v.position or 0; anim:Play(nil, v.weightTarget, v.speed); task.wait(v.stoppedAt - v.startedAt); anim:Stop(); animInstance:Destroy(); end); end; end; local function toggleRecord() if (isRecording) then maid:DoCleaning(); recordLabel.Visible = false; else recordLabel.Visible = true; recordLabel.Text = 'Recording...'; startRecording(); end; isRecording = not isRecording; end; local function isKeyComboPressed(comboTable) for _, key in next, comboTable do if (not userInputService:IsKeyDown(key)) then return false; end; end; return true; end; local function onInputBegan(inputObject, gpe) if (inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Unknown) then return end; if (isKeyComboPressed(bindKey)) then toggleRecord(); elseif (isKeyComboPressed(bindKey2)) then playRecord(); end; end; userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(onInputBegan);