Fencing Block Spam

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Script Credit :- reggie#1000

Block Spam

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-- Fencing Block Spammer -- reggie#1000 if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end if game.PlaceId == 12109643 then -- Fencing if not firetouchinterest then error('firetouchinterest not supported.', 0) end local Workspace = game:GetService('Workspace') local Players = game:GetService('Players') local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character local SprayPaint = Workspace:FindFirstChild('Handle') for i,v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == 'Handle' and v:FindFirstChild('Script') and v:FindFirstChild('TouchInterest') and v:FindFirstChild('Mesh') then SprayPaint = v end end if SprayPaint then local LoopBroken = false for i,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == 'Spray' then v.Parent = Character v.Parent = Workspace end end for i,v in pairs(Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == 'Spray' then v.Parent = Character v.Parent = Workspace end end Player.CharacterRemoving:Connect(function() LoopBroken = true end) Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Obj) if Obj.Name == 'Spray' and LoopBroken == false then task.wait() pcall(function() Obj.Handle.Mesh:Destroy() end) Obj.Parent = Workspace end end) Player.Backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Obj) if Obj.Name == 'Spray' and LoopBroken == false then task.wait() Obj.Parent = Character pcall(function() Obj.Handle.Mesh:Destroy() end) Obj.Parent = Workspace end end) while true do pcall(function() firetouchinterest(SprayPaint, Character.HumanoidRootPart, 0) -- touch firetouchinterest(SprayPaint, Character.HumanoidRootPart, 1) -- untouch end) task.wait() end end end