Funky Friday [NEW AUTO-PLAYER]

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Script Credit :- Unknown



-- made a few months back, unpatched and rewritten recently --// ENV local getupvalues = getupvalues or debug.getupvalues local getinfo = getinfo or debug.getinfo local getconstants = getconstants or debug.getconstants local getupvalue = getupvalue or debug.getupvalue --// UI Init local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Window = Library:Window("Funky Friday") local AutoplayTab = Window:Tab("Autoplayer") local AutoplaySection = AutoplayTab:Section("Autoplay") --// Variables local Autoplayer = {} local Variables = {} do Variables.ReleaseDelay = 10 Variables.Keys = { "Left", "Down", "Up", "Right" } Variables.Pressed = {} Variables.Constants = {} Variables.NoteAccuracy = {} Variables.Percentages = { ["Sick"] = 100, ["Good"] = 0, ["Ok"] = 0, ["Bad"] = 0, ["Miss"] = 0 } Variables.Constants.DISTANCE_TO_ACCURACY = { ["Sick"] = 0.03, ["Good"] = 0.07, ["Ok"] = 0.12, ["Bad"] = 0.16, ["Miss"] = 0.31 } Variables.Constants.ACCURACY_NAMES = { "Sick", "Good", "Ok", "Bad", "Miss" } Variables.Autoplay = false Variables.Random = end --// Functions do function Autoplayer:GetDirection(Position) return Variables.Keys[Position - 3] or Variables.Keys[Position + 1] end function Autoplayer:GetDistance(Time) return math.abs(Time - Variables.Framework.SongPlayer.CurrentlyPlaying.TimePosition) end function Autoplayer:IsValidDistance(Distance, Arrow) if Variables.NoteAccuracy[Arrow] then return Distance <= Variables.NoteAccuracy[Arrow] end local Accuracy = Autoplayer:GetHitAccuracy() Variables.NoteAccuracy[Arrow] = Variables.Constants.DISTANCE_TO_ACCURACY[Accuracy] return Distance 0 then wait(Arrow.Data.Length + ReleaseDelay) else wait(0.05 + ReleaseDelay) end Note:Press(false) end function Autoplayer:IsPressed(Arrow) return Variables.Pressed[Arrow] end function Autoplayer:GetHitAccuracy() local Percentages = Variables.Percentages table.sort(Percentages, function(First, Next) return First > Next end) local Total = 0 for Index, Percentage in next, Percentages do Total = Total + Percentage end if Total == 0 then return Percentages[Variables.Random:NextInteger(1, 5)] end local StartValue = Variables.Random:NextInteger(0, Total - 1) local PercentageValue = 0 for Index, Percentage in next, Percentages do PercentageValue = PercentageValue + Percentage if PercentageValue > StartValue then return Index end end return "Sick" end end --// Fetch Game Utilities for Index, Value in next, getgc(true) do if type(Value) == "table" and rawget(Value, "GameUI") then Variables.Framework = Value elseif type(Value) == "function" and islclosure(Value) and getinfo(Value).source:find("Arrows") then local Constants = getconstants(Value) if table.find(Constants, "ReceptorPressed") and table.find(Constants, "Default") then Variables.NoteArray = getupvalue(Value, #getupvalues(Value)) end end end --// Main Autoplayer Loop game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if Variables.Autoplay then for Index, Arrow in next, Variables.Framework.UI.ActiveSections do if Arrow.Side == Variables.Framework.UI.CurrentSide then local Direction = Autoplayer:GetDirection(Arrow.Data.Position) local Distance = Autoplayer:GetDistance(Arrow.Data.Time) if Autoplayer:IsValidDistance(Distance, Arrow) and not Autoplayer:IsPressed(Arrow) then Autoplayer:PressKey(Direction, Arrow) end end end end end) --// UI Options AutoplaySection:Toggle("Autoplayer", false, function(Value) Variables.Autoplay = Value end) AutoplaySection:Slider("Release Delay", {min = 0, max = 200, default = 10}, function(Value) Variables.ReleaseDelay = Value end) for Index, Accuracy in next, Variables.Constants.ACCURACY_NAMES do AutoplaySection:Slider(Accuracy .. " Percentage", {min = 0, default = Accuracy == "Sick" and 100 or 0, max = 100}, function(Value) Variables.Percentages[Accuracy] = Value end) end

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