Handball Association Script

Script Credit :- magnet#0001


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local dive, sprint; for i,v in pairs(getreg()) do if type(v) == "function" and getinfo(v).source:find("Controls") then local cons = getconstants(v) if table.find(cons, "ChangeState") then dive = v elseif table.find(cons, "WalkSpeed") then sprint = v end end end local newIndex; newIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", newcclosure(function(self, idx, value) if self.Name == "Frame" and self.Parent.Name == "Frame" then if idx == "Size" then return newIndex(self, idx, UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)) elseif idx == "BackgroundColor3" then return newIndex(self, idx, Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)) end end return newIndex(self, idx, value) end)) task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do setupvalue(dive, 1, false) setupvalue(sprint, 3, 9e9) end end)

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