Iron Man Simulator 2 Auto-Kill

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Iron Man Simulator 2 Auto-Kill


-- Toggle if _G.Enable == true then _G.Enable = false else _G.Enable = true end -- Dependencies local Players = game:GetService('Players') local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage') -- Functions local function HasHumanoid (Player) return Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') end local function GetHumanoid (Player) return Player.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') end local function KillPlayer (Player) local FireRocket = ReplicatedStorage.Events.FireRocket local RocketHit = ReplicatedStorage.Events.RocketHit if HasHumanoid(LocalPlayer) and HasHumanoid(Player) and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Suit') then local Humanoid = GetHumanoid(Player) FireRocket:InvokeServer({ hand = LocalPlayer.Character.Suit.RightHand }) workspace.Effects:WaitForChild('rocket') for _ = 1, 10 do RocketHit:FireServer({ projectile = workspace.Effects:WaitForChild('rocket'), hitPos = Humanoid.Position }) end end end -- Loop while _G.Enable and task.wait() do for _, Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player ~= LocalPlayer then task.wait(.5) KillPlayer(Player) end end end

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