Islands Auto Harvest | Replant & Mine Rock

Script Credit :- Megumint#1234

Auto Harvest

Replant & Mine Rock


_G.Enable = true _G.Harvest = true _G.Replant = true _G.MineRock = true wait(.5) local Client = game.Players.LocalPlayer local NetManaged = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") function Harvest(plant,replant) task.spawn(function() NetManaged.CLIENT_HARVEST_CROP_REQUEST:InvokeServer({ ["player"] = Client, ["player_tracking_category"] = "join_from_web", ["model"] = plant }) if replant then NetManaged.CLIENT_BLOCK_PLACE_REQUEST:InvokeServer({ upperBlock = false, cframe = plant.CFrame, player_tracking_category = "join_from_web", blockType = plant.Name }) end end) end function DamageBlock(block) if not block:FindFirstChild("Health") then return end local Norm = Client.Character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() local Part Part = block:FindFirstChild("trunk") or block:FindFirstChild("RockStage") and block[block.RockStage.Value] task.spawn(function() NetManaged.CLIENT_BLOCK_HIT_REQUEST:InvokeServer({ player_tracking_category = "join_from_web", part = Part, block = block, norm = Norm, pos = block.Position - Norm.p }) end) end while _G.Enable and wait(.25) do for i,v in pairs(workspace.Islands:GetChildren()[1].Blocks:GetChildren()) do local Distance = Client:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Position) if Distance < 30 then local Harvestable = v:FindFirstChild("Harvestable",true) local RockStage = v:FindFirstChild("RockStage",true) if Harvestable and Harvestable.Value and _G.Harvest then Harvest(v,_G.Replant) -- wait(.15) end if RockStage and _G.MineRock then DamageBlock(v) -- wait(.15) end end end end

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