Kohl’s Admin House NBC Script

Script Credit :- john_doe2#9660

no kill obby
infinite yield
and more!

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

--Official script. Only for Kohls Admin House NBC/BC. It doesn't work on the remakes or the ripoff games. Just saying --Owned by MiaaII and head developed by T3chn0 DM me us on the server for support. --NOTE: We only have a webhook for execution logs. --Premium can be purchased with robux at https://www.roblox.com/catalog/4781653168/SCV2-premium loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Qltxi/SCV2/main/Obfuscated%20SCV2-NP'),true))() --JOIN THE DISCORD IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. --discord.gg/65yHbG4Wfa

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