Old A Bizarre Day Modded | Kill Everyone

Script Credit :- Cheerios#0447

Kill Everyone

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

getrenv().Toggle = true getrenv().ChatSay = false -- default is false, because to stay silent and not get caught (unless some smartass founds out) getrenv().Toxicity = { 'Oh look whos the boss now.', 'hehehehe', 'You guys are trash', 'Dont wanna die? Then leave', 'Imagine not being able to get the items, cant be me.', 'Pfft. You guys collect tools; get a stand; trade it; get scammed for a living?', 'XD', 'Waltuh.. i killed everybody in the server Waltuh..' } do task.spawn(function() while getrenv().ChatSay do game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(getrenv().Toxicity[math.random(#getrenv().Toxicity)], 'All') task.wait(6) end end) while getrenv().Toggle and task.wait() do task.spawn(function() for i, v in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA('Humanoid') and v ~= nil then game.ReplicatedStorage.SamuraiDamage2:FireServer(v, math.huge) end end end) task.wait(1) end end

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