OP Sharkbite no weapon cooldown + click to reload

Script Credit :- RedWirePlatinum


click to reload

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

local w = getrenv().wait local lplr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = lplr:GetMouse() local function ammo() local valid, ammo = pcall(function() return lplr.PlayerGui.WeaponDisplay.Frame.Ammo.Text -- basically just checks if weapondisplay.frame.ammo is a valid member of playergui without a chain of findfirstchild or waitforchild end) if valid then return ammo else return end end getrenv().wait = function(n) local calling = getcallingscript() if calling and calling.Parent.ClassName == "Tool" then --checks if the script is from a tool aka your weapon return task.wait() -- proceeds to wait the littlest time possible else return w(n) end end mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() local ammo = ammo() if ammo then local idk = ammo:split(" ") if idk[1] == "0" then -- your current ammo keypress(0x52) -- the R keycode keyrelease(0x52) end end end) print("haha funny script")

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