Phantom Forces

Script Credit :- skatbr

Phantom Forces


local function find_by_name(t, name) for _, v in pairs(t) do if == name then return v end end end local actor = find_by_name(getactors(), 'lol') -- ESP loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() -- aimbot syn.run_on_actor(actor, [[if not getgenv or not mousemoverel then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:Kick("Your exploit is not supported!") end getgenv().AIMBOT_SETTINGS = { smoothness = 2, FOV = 400, VisibleCheck = true, } -- services local players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") -- variables local client = players.LocalPlayer local shared = getrenv().shared local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local mouseLocation = UserInputService.GetMouseLocation local WorldToViewportPoint = camera.WorldToViewportPoint -- modules local replicationObject = shared.require("ReplicationObject") local replicationInterface = shared.require("ReplicationInterface") -- functions local function isAlive(entry) return replicationObject.isAlive(entry) end local function isVisible(p, ...) if not getgenv().AIMBOT_SETTINGS.VisibleCheck then return true end return #camera:GetPartsObscuringTarget({ p }, { camera, client.Character, workspace.Ignore, ... }) == 0 end local function get_closest(fov: number) local targetPos: Vector3 = nil local magnitude: number = fov or math.huge for _, player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do if player == client or player.Team == client.Team then continue end local entry = replicationInterface.getEntry(player) local character = entry and replicationObject.getThirdPersonObject(entry) if character and isAlive(entry) then local body_parts = character:getCharacterHash() local screen_pos, on_screen = WorldToViewportPoint(camera, body_parts.head.Position) local screen_pos_2D =, screen_pos.Y) local new_magnitude = (screen_pos_2D - mouseLocation(UserInputService)).Magnitude if on_screen and new_magnitude < magnitude and isVisible(body_parts.head.Position, body_parts.torso.Parent) then magnitude = new_magnitude targetPos = body_parts.head.Position end end end return targetPos end local mouse = client:GetMouse() local function aimAt(pos, smooth) local targetPos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(pos) local mousePos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(mouse.Hit.p) mousemoverel((targetPos.X - mousePos.X) / smooth, (targetPos.Y - mousePos.Y) / smooth) end local circle ="Circle") circle.Thickness = 2 circle.NumSides = 12 circle.Radius = 350 circle.Filled = false circle.Transparency = 1 circle.Color =, 0.5, 0) circle.Visible = true RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) then local _pos = get_closest(getgenv().AIMBOT_SETTINGS.FOV) if _pos then aimAt(_pos, getgenv().AIMBOT_SETTINGS.smoothness) end end if circle.__OBJECT_EXISTS then circle.Position = mouseLocation(UserInputService) circle.Radius = getgenv().AIMBOT_SETTINGS.FOV end end)]])

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