Conga - /e congaWeakarm - /e weakarmWindmill - /e windmillParanoia - /e paranoiaCaramelldansen - /e dansenClockwise Rotation - /e clockwiseTerrified - /e terrifiedWRYYY! - /e wryBackflip - /e flipChill Sit - /e chillDozin' Off - /e dozeSurrender - /e surrenderSquavot - /e SquavotBanana Butter - /e butterRunning In Place - /e runAscend - /e ascend -- you could abuse this shit to stay on spider webs,avoid big spinning lava and stay on cactus/e sit/e clap/e pirouetteNeck Crack - /e crackDynamite Shikoku - /e dynamiteT-Pose - /e tpose/e bird/e shrug/e spin/e Sit2Whatcha looking at? - /e look/e lKazotsky Kick - /e kick/e saluteToy Soldier - /e toyToo Funny - idkJumpin' Jacks - /e jj
for i,real in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Emotes:GetChildren()) do real.Value = true end