Rampant: Blade Battleground (God Mode, Damage Multiplier, No Cooldown)

Script Credit :- Septex#2195

 Rampant: Blade Battleground (God Mode, Damage Multiplier, No Cooldown)


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God Mode: getgenv().GodMode = true if not Already then getgenv().Already = true while task.wait(1) do if GodMode then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.RoyalGauntletsSkill1:FireServer() end end end Damage Multiplier: local multiplier = 5 -- more than 10 could cause lag local old; old = hookmetamethod(game,"__namecall", function(...) local args = {...} if getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and args[2] ~= nil and type(args[2]) == "table" and args[2]["attack"] then for i = 1,multiplier do old(...) end return end return old(...) No Cooldown: local s = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.ClientManager.Debounces) while wait(0.2) do for i,v in pairs(s) do if type(i) == "string" and (i:find("skill") or table.find({"parry","dash"},i)) then s[i] = nil end end end

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