[RELEASE] Milk Tycoon

Script Credit :- tarvax

 just plays the game for you

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local char = player.Character; local bonus = game:GetService("Workspace").Obby.RewardPart; local wind = game:GetService("Workspace").Obby.Windmill.BlowFunction.TouchPart; local foot = char.LeftFoot; local my_tycoon = nil; _G.start = false; --enables me to quick restart while developing wait(3); _G.start = true; if(_G.start ~= true) then return; end while wait(0.1) and my_tycoon == nil and _G.start == true do for _,tycoon in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Tycoons:GetChildren()) do if(tycoon:FindFirstChild("Owner").Value == player.Name) then my_tycoon = tycoon; end end end local buy_dictionary = { upgrade = { button = my_tycoon.Buttons.Upgrade, condition = function() return true; end }, cow = { button = my_tycoon.Buttons.Cow, condition = function() return true; end }, process = { button = my_tycoon.Buttons.ProcessorTick, condition = function() if(tonumber(my_tycoon.Processor.Main.BillboardGui.Title.Text) > 1000) then return true; end return false end }, sell = { button = my_tycoon.Buttons.SellTick, condition = function() if(tonumber(my_tycoon.Tank.Main.BillboardGui.Title.Text) > 1000) then return true; end return false end }, }; local buy_items = { buy_dictionary.upgrade, buy_dictionary.upgrade, buy_dictionary.cow, buy_dictionary.cow, buy_dictionary.process, buy_dictionary.process, buy_dictionary.sell, buy_dictionary.sell, } local buy_time = 0; local try_buy = function() if(buy_time > os.time()) then return; end buy_time = os.time() + 5; for _,item in pairs(buy_items) do if(item.condition()) then firetouchinterest(foot,item.button,1); wait(0.5); firetouchinterest(foot,item.button,0); wait(2); end end end local processor = my_tycoon.Buttons.Process; local collect = function() for _,drop in pairs(my_tycoon.Drops:GetChildren()) do local part = drop:FindFirstChild("HitBox"); if(part == nil) then part = drop:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part"); end if(part) then part.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame; end end firetouchinterest(foot,processor,1); wait(0.1); firetouchinterest(foot,processor,0); wait(0.1) end local obby_time = 0; local do_obby = function() if(obby_time > os.time()) then return; end local oldCFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame; obby_time = os.time() + 95; firetouchinterest(foot,wind,1); wait(.1); firetouchinterest(foot,wind,0); wait(.1); firetouchinterest(foot,bonus,1); wait(.1); firetouchinterest(foot,bonus,0); wait(1.5); char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = oldCFrame; end while wait(1) and _G.start do spawn(function() collect(); end); spawn(function() try_buy(); end); spawn(function() do_obby(); end); end

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