Rise of Nations Trade GUI Source

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Script Credit :- R4G3N#2996

GUI Source

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local gui = loadstring(game.HttpGet(game, ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AikaV3rm/UiLib/master/Lib.lua')))() local clr = Color3.fromRGB _G.MainColor = clr(48,48,48) _G.SecondaryColor = clr(48,48,48) _G.TertiaryColor = clr(32,32,32) _G.ArrowColor = clr(255,255,255) _G.MainTextColor = clr(255,255,255) _G.PointerColor = clr(255,255,255) _G.ButtonTextColor = clr(255,255,255) _G.SliderColor = clr(128,0,0) _G.ButtonColor = clr(48,48,48) _G.ToggleColor = clr(48,48,48) _G.DraggerCircleColor = clr(255,255,255) _G.BindColor = clr(48,48,48) local w = gui.CreateWindow(gui, "Rise of Nations") local b = w.CreateFolder(w, "Trade Bot") local b2 = w.CreateFolder(w, "Trade Notifications") local bp = workspace.Baseplate.Cities local cd = workspace.CountryData.Japan.Resources local alrt = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameGui.MainFrame local tr = "ResourceTrade" local st = workspace.GameManager.ManageAlliance local gcbp = game.GetChildren(bp) local gccd = game.GetChildren(cd) local slct local ct = 0 local ct2 = 0 local ct3 = 1 local ctr = {} local rsc = {} local inf = { [1] = '', [2] = '', [3] = 1, [4] = 1, [5] = '' } local bye = { [1] = "Trade accepted", [2] = "Trade offer declined", [3] = "Trade Cancelled" } for i,v in ipairs(gcbp) do ct = ct + 1 table.insert(ctr, ct, v.Name) end for i,v in ipairs(gccd) do ct2 = ct2 + 1 table.insert(rsc, ct2, v.Name) end b.Dropdown(b, "Select Country",ctr,true,function(val) slct = val return slct end) b.Dropdown(b, "Resource",rsc,true,function(val) inf[1] = tostring(val) end) b.Dropdown(b, "B/S",{"Sell", "Buy"},true,function(val) inf[2] = tostring(val) end) b.Dropdown(b, "T/B",{"Trade", "Bulk"},true,function(val) inf[5] = tostring(val) end) b.Slider(b, "Amount",{ min = 1; max = 10000; precise = true; },function(val) inf[3] = tonumber(val) end) b.Slider(b, "Price",{ min = 0.2; max = 2.5; precise = true; },function(val) inf[4] = tonumber(val) end) b.Slider(b, "Delay",{ min = 0.1; max = 5; precise = true; },function(val) ct3 = val return ct3 end) b.Button(b, "Send to Country",function() st.FireServer(st, slct, tr, inf) wait(ct3) end) b.Button(b, "Send to All",function() for i,v in ipairs(ctr) do st.FireServer(st, v, tr, inf) wait(ct3) end end) b2.Button(b2, "Clear",function() for i,v in ipairs(game.GetChildren(alrt)) do if string.match(v.Name, "AlertSample") and game.FindFirstChild(v, "Title") and table.find(bye, v.Title.Text) then v.Destroy(v) end end end) b2.Button(b2, "Auto Clear Future",function() alrt.ChildAdded.Connect(alrt.ChildAdded, function(child) if string.match(child.Name, "AlertSample") and game.FindFirstChild(child, "Title") and table.find(bye, child.Title.Text) then wait() child.Destroy(child) end end) end)