Roblox Chat Simulator 2 – Spambot

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Script Credit :- insane#3959



local encodemsg = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Screen.Scripts.Loader.Framework).EncodeMessageAuthorization local msg = "me when" --message local mentionuser = "everyone" --specific users name or everyone, or just put anything else and it wont do anything, if you want to ping multiple people put their userids as in the message section local threadid = 0 --leave as 0 if not in a thread local Type = "Server" --Server or DM local ServerId = 0 --send a message and look at a remote spy for these local ChannelId = 0 local ReplyId = 0 --leave blank if not a reply if game.Players:FindFirstChild(mentionuser) then --is the mentionuser value a player? msg = msg.." | " --changes the message to include the person to mention end if mentionuser == "everyone" then --is the mentionuser value everyone? msg = msg.." | @everyone" --change the message to @ everyone end game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() --loop local args = { --arguments for the remotefunction [1] = { ["Message"] = msg, ["ServerId"] = ServerId, ["Type"] = "SERVER", ["MessageToken"] = encodemsg(msg), --uses the function in the framework to encode the message so that the server can post the message (thx decompiler <3) ["Files"] = {}, --uh if you want put "rbxassetid://ASSETID" here ["ChannelId"] = ChannelId, ["ReplyMessageId"] = ReplyId, ["ThreadId"] = threadid } } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Functions.SendMessage:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) --finally send the message end)