Semi-Admin Script For Stamper Build Game

Script Credit :- Nahida#5000

F: Freezes the player your mouse is on
R: Kills the player your mouse is on
H: Turns on the fun destroy aura
T: Turns off the aura


--//Services\\-- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace"); local Players = game:GetService("Players"); local LPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer; local Mouse = LPlayer:GetMouse(); --//Variables\\-- local Remotes: Folder = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes; local StampAsset: RemoteFunction = Remotes.StampAsset; local DeleteAsset: RemoteFunction = Remotes.DeleteAsset; local ActiveParts: Folder; local Plates: Model = Workspace.Plates; local LPlate: Part; local MSpikes = {}; for _, Plate in pairs(Plates:GetChildren()) do if (Plate.Owner.Value == LPlayer) then LPlate = Plate.Plate; ActiveParts = Plate.ActiveParts; break; end; end; ActiveParts.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Block) if (Block.Name == "Spikes - Moving") then local MSpike = Block:WaitForChild("Spike_Retracting"):WaitForChild("Spikes"); MSpikes[#MSpikes+1] = MSpike; Block.AncestryChanged:Wait(); if (not Block.Parent) then table.remove(MSpikes, table.find(MSpikes, MSpike)); end; end; end); local Module = {}; function Module.Freeze(Part: Part) if (typeof(Part) == "Instance") then Part = {Part}; end; StampAsset:InvokeServer( 56447956, LPlate.CFrame -, 5, 0), "{3ee17b14-c66d-4cdd-8500-3782d1dceab5}", Part, 0 ); end; function Module.Weld(...) StampAsset:InvokeServer( 56451715, LPlate.CFrame +, 200, 0), "{3ae31e60-5cd0-4d80-96b6-a1dd894ece8a}", {...}, 0 ); end; function Module.CreateSpike(CF: CFrame, Weld: table) return StampAsset:InvokeServer(41324903, CF, "{bf0c5c8b-6f25-4321-9251-300beb818121}", Weld or {}, 0); end; function Module.CreateMSpike(CF: CFrame, Weld: table) return StampAsset:InvokeServer(41324904, CF, "{fca81e11-1ead-4817-afde-4dc29e72ea1b}", Weld or {}, 0); end; function Module.Kill(Player) if (Player:IsA("Player")) then Player = Player.Character.PrimaryPart; end; StampAsset:InvokeServer( 41324885, LPlate.CFrame -, 9e9, 0), "{99ab22df-ca29-4143-a2fd-0a1b79db78c2}", {Player}, 0 ); end; function Module.Fling(Player) if (Player:IsA("Player")) then Player = Player.Character.PrimaryPart; end; StampAsset:InvokeServer( 41324885, LPlate.CFrame +, 9e9, 0), "{99ab22df-ca29-4143-a2fd-0a1b79db78c2}", {Player}, 0 ); end; function Module.Hang(Part: Part) Module.CreateMSpike( (LPlate.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(math.random(0, 360)), math.rad(math.random(0, 360)), math.rad(math.random(0, 360)))) -, -5, 0), {LPlate} ); Module.Weld(Part, MSpikes[#MSpikes]); end; function Module.Delete(Part) DeleteAsset:InvokeServer(Part); end; local Aura; function Module.DestroyAura(Radius: number) if (Aura) then Aura:Destroy(); end; Radius =, Radius, Radius); local Blacklist = {}; local Hrp = LPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart; local Weld ="Weld", Hrp); Aura ="Part", Hrp); Aura.Size = Radius; Aura.Massless = true; Aura.Transparency = 0; Aura.Material = Enum.Material.ForceField; Aura.Color =, 0, 0); Aura.CanCollide = false; Aura.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball; Aura.Touched:Connect(function(Part) if (Blacklist[Part] or Part.Anchored) then return; end; if (Part.CFrame.Y <= LPlate.CFrame.Y + 4) then return; end; if (Part:IsDescendantOf(LPlayer.Character)) then return; end; Blacklist[Part] = true; Module.Hang(Part); end); Weld.Part0 = Hrp; Weld.Part1 = Aura; Aura.Destroying:Wait(); table.clear(Blacklist); Blacklist = nil; end; UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(InputObject, Proccessed) if (Proccessed) then return; end; if (InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F) then Module.Freeze(Mouse.Target); elseif (InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R) then Module.Kill(Mouse.Target); elseif (InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.H) then Module.DestroyAura(20); elseif (InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.T) then Aura:Destroy(); Aura = nil; end; end);

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