Soul Cultivation Divine Yang Fruit Farm

Script Credit :- Hitless#0854

Soul Cultivation Divine Yang Fruit Farm


-- Set the condition to true to turn it on or false to turn it off _G.Condition = true while _G.Condition == true do -- Rename the "Divine Yang Tree" to "XiaoRed" with an incrementing number for k, v in pairs(workspace.Areas["Demon Pelago"]:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "Divine Yang Tree" then v.Name = "XiaoRed" .. k end end -- Harvest Divine Yang Fruit from each XiaoRed tree and wait 8 seconds before harvesting again for i = 2, 7 do game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Workspace.Areas["Demon Pelago"]["XiaoRed" .. i].Plant.CFrame wait(0.3) local args = { [1] = workspace.Areas:FindFirstChild("Demon Pelago")["XiaoRed" .. i].Plant, [2] = "Divine Yang Fruit" } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Harvest.Harvest:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait(8) end for k, v in pairs(workspace.Areas["Demon Pelago"]:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "Divine Yang Tree" then v.Name = "XiaoRed" .. k end end -- Wait before starting the loop again wait() end