Space Sailors Autofarm

Script Credit :- evannik23

Space Sailors Autofarm


if game.GameId~=1722988797 then error("this isnt space sailors code wont run") return end local http=game:GetService("HttpService") if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end local Init=game:HttpGet('') local FileName="SS.JSON" local AutoFarm if not isfile(FileName) then loadstring(Init)()----Loads Files end local Lib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local MainData local a=readfile(FileName) local data=http:JSONDecode(a) MainData=data AutoFarm=MainData.AutoFarm function SaveData() local data=http:JSONEncode(MainData) delfile(FileName) writefile(FileName,data) MainData=http:JSONDecode(readfile(FileName)) end local UI = Lib:Create{ Theme = "Dark", -- or any other theme Size =, 555, 0, 400) -- default } local Main = UI:Tab{ Name = "Space Sailors" } local Divider = Main:Divider{ Name = "Auto Farm" } local QuitDivider = Main:Divider{ Name = "Quit" } local autofarm=Divider:Toggle{ Name="Auto Farm", Description="if you slide it to disabled make sure to rejoin the game to prevent it from spamming", State=AutoFarm, Callback=function(state) if state then MainData.AutoFarm=true SaveData() else MainData.AutoFarm=false SaveData() end loadstring(Init)() end } local Quit = QuitDivider:Button{ Name = "Close Ui", Callback = function() UI:Quit{ Message = "Destroyed", -- closing message Length = 1 -- seconds the closing message shows for } end }

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