if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end --//Dependencies game:GetService("Workspace").Fartinglloll.Name = "Npcs" local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wally-rblx/uwuware-ui/main/main.lua"))() --//Variables local Client = Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:Wait() local DataFolder = Client:WaitForChild("Data") local QuestFolder = DataFolder:WaitForChild("Quests") local ClientStand = DataFolder:WaitForChild("Stand") local Window = Library:CreateWindow("Stand Upright: Rebooted") local MainFolder = Window:AddFolder("Main") local CreditsFolder = Window:AddFolder("Credits") local ItemFolder = workspace.Items local NPCFolder = workspace.Npcs local LivingFolder = workspace.Living local TargetMob = nil local LastAttack = 0 local NoclipParts = {} local MobValues = {} local StandList = {} local QuestList = { ["Bad Gi"] = "1+", ["Giorno Giovanna"] = "5+", ["Scary Monster"] = "10+", ["Rker Dummy"] = "15+", ["Dio Over Heaven"] = "25+", ["Yoshikage Kira"] = "30+", ["Angelo"] = "40+", ["Alien"] = "50+", ["Jotaro Part 4"] = "65+", ["Kakyoin"] = "75+", ["Jungle Bandit"] = "90+", } for _, QuestNPC in ipairs(NPCFolder:GetChildren()) do --shit fix but u know it works xD if not QuestNPC:FindFirstChild("Head") then continue end local MainUI = QuestNPC.Head:FindFirstChild("Main") if not MainUI then continue end local TextBox = MainUI:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextBox") if not TextBox then continue end for MobName, NPCName in pairs(QuestList) do if type(NPCName) == "userdata" then continue end if TextBox.Text:find(NPCName) then QuestList[MobName] = QuestNPC end end end local StandBlacklist = {"CauldronBlack", "TalkingBen", "GER"} local TweenObject = nil --//Functions local function Teleport(Position) if TweenObject then TweenObject:Cancel() TweenObject:Destroy() TweenObject = nil end local HumanoidRootPart = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if not HumanoidRootPart then return end HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false if Client:DistanceFromCharacter(Position) > 5 then local Info = TweenInfo.new((Position - HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude/Library.flags.TweenSpeed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) TweenObject = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(HumanoidRootPart, Info, {CFrame = CFrame.new(Position)}) TweenObject:Play() else HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(Position) * CFrame.new(0, 8, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,0) end end local function AddNoclipParts(Character) NoclipParts = {} Character:WaitForChild("Head") for _, BasePart in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do if not BasePart:IsA("BasePart") then continue end NoclipParts[#NoclipParts + 1] = BasePart end end local function IsAlive(Model) if not Model or not Model.Parent then return end local Humanoid = Model:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") if not Humanoid or not Model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then return end if Humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then return end return true end local function GetQuest() local NPC = QuestList[Library.flags.Target] if not NPC then return end for _, Folder in ipairs(QuestFolder:GetChildren()) do local EnemyObject = Folder:FindFirstChild("Enemy") if EnemyObject and EnemyObject.Value == Library.flags.Target then if Folder.Completed.Value then NPC.QuestDone:FireServer() end return end end NPC.Done:FireServer() --get quest end local function Attack() local EventFolder = Character:FindFirstChild("StandEvents") if not EventFolder then return end EventFolder.M1:FireServer() if Library.flags.StandAttack then local Stand = Character:FindFirstChild("Stand") if not Stand then return end if not Character.Aura.Value then EventFolder.Summon:FireServer() end if os.clock() - LastAttack 10 then continue end Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(Tool) until not Tool or Tool.Parent ~= ItemFolder or Tool.Parent ~= workspace end local function RunGetItem() if not Library.flags.Itemfarm then return end for _, Tool in ipairs(ItemFolder:GetChildren()) do GetItem(Tool) end for _, Tool in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do GetItem(Tool) end end local function SetTargetMob() if Library.flags.LairFarm then local Boss = LivingFolder:FindFirstChild("Boss") if not Boss then return end TargetMob = Boss return end for _, Mob in ipairs(LivingFolder:GetChildren()) do if Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Mob) then continue end if not IsAlive(Mob) then continue end if Mob.Name ~= Library.flags.Target then continue end TargetMob = Mob return end Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true end local function HideName() if not Library.flags.NameHide then return end Character:WaitForChild("Head"):WaitForChild("HealthGui"):Destroy() end local function GetLair() if not Library.flags.LairFarm then return end for _, NPC in ipairs(NPCFolder:GetChildren()) do --eeeeeeeeee if not NPC:FindFirstChild("Head") then continue end local SubUI = NPC.Head:FindFirstChild("Sub") if not SubUI or not SubUI:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextBox") or SubUI:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextBox").Text ~= "Lair Quest" then continue end local MainUI = NPC.Head:FindFirstChild("Main") if not MainUI then continue end local TextBox = MainUI:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextBox") if not TextBox then continue end if string.lower(TextBox.Text):find(string.lower(Library.flags.LairTarget.."+")) then NPC.Done:FireServer() end end end --//Init RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if not Library.flags.MobFarm then return end if not Character then return end if not IsAlive(Character) then return end if not IsAlive(TargetMob) or TargetMob.Name ~= Library.flags.Target and TargetMob.Name ~= "Boss" then return SetTargetMob() end if IsAlive(TargetMob) and LivingFolder:FindFirstChild("Boss") and TargetMob.Name ~= "Boss" then return SetTargetMob() end if Library.flags.AutoQuest then GetQuest() end Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =TargetMob.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, 4) Attack() end) RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() --noclip if not Library.flags.Noclip then return end for i = 1, #NoclipParts do NoclipParts[i].CanCollide = false end local HumanoidRootPart = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if not HumanoidRootPart then return end if HumanoidRootPart.RotVelocity.Magnitude >= 50 or HumanoidRootPart.Velocity.Magnitude >= 50 then --prevent fling HumanoidRootPart.RotVelocity = Vector3.new() HumanoidRootPart.Velocity = Vector3.new() end end) Client.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(NewCharacter) Character = NewCharacter AddNoclipParts(NewCharacter) HideName() GetLair() RunGetItem() end) AddNoclipParts(Character) ItemFolder.ChildAdded:Connect(GetItem) workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(GetItem) local Old; Old = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newcclosure(function(self, ...) local Method = getnamecallmethod() if Method == "Raycast" or Method == "Kick" or Method == "FireServer" and tostring(self) == "PlayerStandMainHandle" then return wait(9e9) end return Old(self, ...) end)) for _, Connection in pairs(getconnections(Client.Idled)) do --anti afk Connection:Disable() end --//UI for MobName, _ in pairs(QuestList) do if table.find(MobValues, MobName) then continue end MobValues[#MobValues + 1] = MobName end for _, Mob in ipairs(LivingFolder:GetChildren()) do if Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Mob) then continue end if table.find(MobValues, Mob.Name) then continue end MobValues[#MobValues + 1] = Mob.Name end for _, StandObject in ipairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").StandNameConvert:GetChildren()) do if table.find(StandList, StandObject.Name) then continue end if table.find(StandBlacklist, StandObject.Name) then continue end if string.lower(StandObject.Name):find("oh") or string.lower(StandObject.Name):find("overheaven") then continue end StandList[#StandList + 1] = StandObject.Name end MainFolder:AddList({text = "Mob Target", flag = "Target", values = MobValues}) MainFolder:AddList({text = "Lairs", flag = "LairTarget", values = {"Lvl. 15", "Lvl. 40", "Lvl. 80", "Lvl. 100"}}) MainFolder:AddList({text = "Stand Farm", flag = "TargetStand", values = StandList}) MainFolder:AddList({text = "Arrow Selector[Stand Farm]", flag = "Arrow", values = {"Stand Arrow", "Charged Arrow"}}) MainFolder:AddSlider({text = "Tween Speed", flag = "TweenSpeed", min = 50, max = 100}) MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "ENABLE FARM", flag = "MobFarm", callback = function(Bool) if TweenObject then TweenObject:Cancel() TweenObject:Destroy() TweenObject = nil end Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false end}) MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "Lair Farm", flag = "LairFarm", callback = GetLair}) --get lair quest MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "Item Farm", flag = "Itemfarm", callback = RunGetItem}) MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "Stand Farm", flag = "StandFarm", callback = function() while Library.flags.StandFarm and ClientStand.Value ~= Library.flags.TargetStand and task.wait(0.2) do local Arrow = Client.Backpack:FindFirstChild(Library.flags.Arrow) or Character:FindFirstChild(Library.flags.Arrow) local Fruit = Client.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Rokakaka") or Character:FindFirstChild("Rokakaka") if not Arrow or not Fruit then continue end if ClientStand.Value == "None" then repeat Arrow.Parent = Character task.wait(0.3) Arrow.Use:FireServer() until ClientStand.Value ~= "None" or not Library.flags.StandFarm else repeat Fruit.Parent = Character task.wait(0.3) Fruit.Use:FireServer() until ClientStand.Value == "None" or not Library.flags.StandFarm end end end}) MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "Auto Quest", flag = "AutoQuest"}) MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "Auto Stand Skills", flag = "StandAttack"}) MainFolder:AddToggle({text = "Noclip", flag = "Noclip"}) CreditsFolder:AddLabel({text = "Script: Kaide"}) CreditsFolder:AddLabel({text = "UI Library: Jan"}) CreditsFolder:AddLabel({text = "Fixed By: Lololopink"}) Window:AddLabel({text = "StandFarm needs arrow/fruit"}) Window:AddLabel({text = "Reccommend low speed"}) Library:Init()