Starving Artists | Automated Server Finder and Advertiser

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Script Credit :- 736578#6459

Automated Server Finder and Advertiser


local MinimumBuyers = 4; -- How Many Buyers there Must Be local MinimumPlayers = 10; -- How Many Players there Must Be local ServerHopAfterMinutes = 1.5; -- How Many Minutes you Want To Wait Before Hopping local JoinMessageBool = true; -- Announce Your Art Price Range local AutoClaimBooth = true; -- Automatically Find/Claim A Booth local RichHunt = true; -- Hunt for Rich Players local RichMinimum = 100; -- How Rich the Players Have To Be local RichTime = 10; -- How Many Seconds each Rich Player Adds to The Hop Timer local RobuxTime = 0.12; -- How Much Time each Robux Spent by Rich People Adds in Seconds -- Tip: Use Values like '30/1000' to Signify that You Want to Add 30 Seconds for Every 1000 Robux -- Ignore -- local Buyers = 0; local RichCount = 0; local RichSpent = 0; -- Ignore -- repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded(); wait(2); local Players = game:GetService('Players'); local Player = Players.LocalPlayer; local PlayerCount = #Players:GetChildren(); local Plots = game:GetService('Workspace'):WaitForChild('Plots'); local function GetServerList(Limit) local Cursor, Servers = nil, {}; repeat local Response = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(game:HttpGet('' .. game.PlaceId .. '/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100' .. (Cursor and ('&cursor=' .. Cursor) or ''))); for _, Server in pairs( do table.insert(Servers, Server); end; Cursor = Response.nextPageCursor; until (not Cursor) or (#Servers >= Limit); return Servers; end; local function Hop() local IgnoreIds = {}; local Servers = GetServerList(1024); while true do for _, ServerInfo in pairs(Servers) do if (not table.find(IgnoreIds, and (ServerInfo.playing < ServerInfo.maxPlayers) then game:GetService('TeleportService'):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId,, Players.LocalPlayer); table.insert(IgnoreIds,; wait(); end; end; end; end; local SayMessageRequest = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest; local function Message(m) SayMessageRequest:FireServer(m, 'All'); end; local function GetArtPrice() local LowestPriceArt, HighestPriceArt = (function() local LowestPrice, HighestPrice; for _, Easel in ipairs(Plots:FindFirstChild(Player.Name).Easels:GetChildren()) do if (Easel.Canvas.SurfaceGui:FindFirstChild('Grid')) then local Price = tonumber(string.match(Easel.ArtInfo.Frame.Info.Price.Text, '%d+')); if (not LowestPrice) or (Price = HighestPrice) then HighestPrice = Price; end; end; end; return LowestPrice or 0, HighestPrice or 0; end)(); return LowestPriceArt, HighestPriceArt; end; local function SetupStay() local StartTime = tick(); local HopTimer = (ServerHopAfterMinutes * 60) + (RichCount * RichTime) + math.ceil(RichSpent * RobuxTime); repeat local Unclaimed = Plots:FindFirstChild('Unclaimed'); if (Unclaimed) then (Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()):WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart').CFrame = Unclaimed.Table.Bottom.CFrame *, 3, 0); fireproximityprompt(Unclaimed.Table.Username.ClaimAttach.BoothClaimPrompt); end; wait(1); until Plots:FindFirstChild(Player.Name); wait(5); if (JoinMessageBool) then local Lowest, Highest = GetArtPrice(); if (Lowest == 0) and (Highest == 0) then return spawn(Hop); end; local JoinMessage = string.format('I sell quality art for %d - %d robux only :)', Lowest, Highest); Message(JoinMessage); spawn(function() while wait(60) do Lowest, Highest = GetArtPrice(); JoinMessage = string.format('I sell quality art for %d - %d robux only :)', Lowest, Highest); Message(JoinMessage); end; end); end; wait(HopTimer); Hop(); end; local function TryStay() if (PlayerCount >= MinimumPlayers) then for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetChildren()) do if (Player:WaitForChild('leaderstats', 5)) then local Bought = Player.leaderstats.Bought.Value; if (Bought > 0) then Buyers = Buyers + 1; if (RichHunt) and (Bought >= RichMinimum) then RichCount = RichCount + 1; RichSpent += Bought; end; end; end; end; if (Buyers >= MinimumBuyers) or (RichHunt) then if (RichHunt) then if (RichCount >= 1) then return spawn(SetupStay); else return spawn(Hop); end; end; return spawn(SetupStay); else return spawn(Hop); end; else return spawn(Hop); end; end; spawn(TryStay);

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