Stay Alive And Flex Your Time On Others FIGHT BOT



    • to toggle the fight bot, the keybind is BackSlash – this can be changed in the script
    • another way to easily remove targeted / priority players is to press Semicolon – this can be changed in the script
    • t – (requires 1 argument) targets a player by inputting their name into the command argument
    • ut – untargets the target that was set by using the command “t”
    • w – (requires 1 argument) whitelists a player so it’s not targeted by the fight bot
    • uw – (requires 1 argument) unwhitelists a player that was whitelisted by the command “w”
    • b – (requires 1 argument) blacklists a the player that was inputted from the command argument
    • ub – (requires 1 argument) unblacklists a player that was blacklisted from the command “b”
    • sp – sets your spawn point to that position that you’re currently in when you die and when you kill someone
    • d – (requires 1 argument) sets the target zone value (activation length) to the command argument 
    • dd – (requires 1 argument) sets the target zone value to the command argument after you die
  • this changes your walkspeed to 20-24 so it will be noticed, and it adds reach so people will notice that too (be careful if you’re using this main since it’s obvious you’re exploiting after you first kill)
  • after you executed, you will notice that the fightbot did nothing. but, you are wrong! you can walk where ever you like then type in the chat “sp” – after that, you can now hit BackSlash (or whatever you set the keybind to, backslash is default) and the fightbot will start killing people that come near you.


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