Sword Blox Online Auto Craft

Script Credit :- michaeplays

Auto Craft

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

local ItemsToCraft = { "Malachite Ingot", "Iron Ingot", "Copper Ingot", "Gold Ingot" } local Stats, rep = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerStats, game:GetService"ReplicatedStorage" local Inven, SmitSkill = Stats.Inventory, Stats.SmithingSkill local function GetItemData(item) return rep.CraftingRecipes:FindFirstChild(item) end local function EnoughMaterials(Material) for i, v in next, Inven.Value:split"," do if v:split"|"[1] == Material.Name and Material.Value <= tonumber(v:split"|"[2]) then return true end end return false end local function GotMaterials(item) for i, Material in next, GetItemData(item):GetChildren() do if Material.Name ~= "CraftingSkill" and Material:IsA"NumberValue" and (not string.find(Inven.Value, Material.Name) or not EnoughMaterials(Material)) then return false end end return true end local function CanCraft(item) if GetItemData(item) and GetItemData(item).CraftingSkill.Value <= SmitSkill.Value and GotMaterials(item) then return true end return false end _G.Again = true task.wait(0.2) _G.Again = false while not _G.Again and task.wait() do for i, item in next, ItemsToCraft do if task.wait() and CanCraft(item) then rep.CraftingStart:InvokeServer() task.wait(0.1) rep.CraftingEnded:InvokeServer("SmithingSkill", item, true) end end end