Tapping Sim GUI

Script Credit :- AlperSocial #3169

--Farming Auto Tap Auto Rebirth --Pet Auto Buy 1 Egg (1M Taps Required) Auto Buy 3 Eggs (1M Taps Required) Auto Equip Best Pets Auto Merge (Doesnt Work Good) --Extra things Infinite Yield WalkSpeed JumpPower

--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

--IGNORE THIS PART --FARMING-- getgenv().autoTap = false; getgenv().autoRebirth = false; --PETS-- getgenv().autoBuy3 = false; getgenv().autoBuy1 = false; getgenv().autoMerge = false; getgenv().autoBest = false; local removepath = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AikaV3rm/UiLib/master/Lib.lua')))() local w = library:CreateWindow("TAPPING SIMULATOR") -- Creates the window local a = w:CreateFolder("Farming") local b = w:CreateFolder("Pet") local c = w:CreateFolder("Extra Shit") c:Label("Made by AlperSocial",{ TextSize = 15; -- Self Explaining TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255); -- Self Explaining BgColor = Color3.fromRGB(69,69,69); -- Self Explaining }) a:Toggle("Auto Tap",function(bool) getgenv().autoTap = bool if bool then doTap(); end end) a:Toggle("Auto Rebirth",function(bool) getgenv().autoRebirth = bool if bool then doRebirth(1000); end end) b:Toggle("Auto Buy 3 Eggs (1M Taps Required)",function(bool) getgenv().autoBuy3 = bool if bool then doBuy3() end end) b:Toggle("Auto Buy 1 Egg (1M Taps Required)",function(bool) getgenv().autoBuy1 = bool if bool then doBuy1() end end) b:Toggle("Auto Equip Best Pets",function(bool) getgenv().autoBest = bool if bool then doBest() end end) b:Toggle("Auto Merge",function(bool) getgenv().autoMerge = bool if bool then doMerge() end end) c:Button("Infinite Yield",function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EdgeIY/infiniteyield/master/source'))() end) c:Slider("WalkSpeed",{ min = 16; -- min value of the slider max = 1000; -- max value of the slider precise = true; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (value) end) c:Slider("JumpPower",{ min = 50; -- min value of the slider max = 1000; -- max value of the slider precise = true; -- max 2 decimals },function(value) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = (value) end) c:Bind("Sprint",Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift,function() --Default bind game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (50) end) c:DestroyGui() function doTap() spawn(function() while autoTap == true do local args = {[1] = false} removepath.PlayerClick:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end) end function doRebirth() spawn(function() while autoRebirth == true do local args = {[1] = 1} removepath.PlayerRebirth:FireServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end) end --PETS-- function doBuy3() spawn(function() while autoBuy3 == true do local args = { [1] = "EpicShop", [2] = 3 } removepath.PetStoreRoll:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end) end function doBuy1(egg1type) spawn(function() while autoBuy1 == true do local args = { [1] = "EpicShop", [2] = 1 } removepath.PetStoreRoll:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) wait() end end) end function doBest() spawn(function() while autoBest == true do removepath.EquipBestPets:InvokeServer() wait() end end) end function doMerge() spawn(function() while autoMerge == true do removepath.MergeAllPets:InvokeServer() wait() end end) end

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