Trade Tower Simple GUI (Working)

Script Credit :- fad#0001

--HamstaGang -w- Here --FadTheFad on v3rm -- LOAD GUI & LIBRARY -- local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() -- GUI Windows local w = library:CreateWindow('Misc') local x = library:CreateWindow('Auto Case Opener') local y = library:CreateWindow('Gambling') local z = library:CreateWindow('Credits') -- GUI Sections z:Section('Created by FadTheFad/fad#0588') z:Section('Help by HamstaGang') z:Section('Babyhamsta#0173') -- Player Locals local Plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local PlrGui = Plr.PlayerGui -- GameActions Remote local GameActions = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.GamesActions -- Flag for Stock and Amt Bought local Bought = 0; local Amt_Bought = 0; -- RAP AMOUNT local Rap_Amount = 1000; -- Toggle Auto Tix Stock -- Toggle Money Farm local money = w:Toggle('Auto Money Farm', {flag = "MoneyFarm"}) -- RAP Slider local SellSlider = w:Slider("AutoSellRap", {min = 1000; max = 50000; flag = "SellSlider"}, function(R) Rap_Amount = R; end) -- Toggle RAP Sell local Sell = w:Toggle("Auto Sell RAP", {flag = "AutoSellRap"}) -- Auto Tix Stock Game local AutoTixStock = y:Toggle("Auto Tix Stock", {flag = "AutoTixStock"}) -- Toggle Auto Case local Case = x:Toggle("Auto Case", {flag = "AutoCase"}) -- Toggle Case Time Upgrade local CaseTime = w:Toggle("Auto Case Time Upgrade", {flag = "CaseTimeUpgrade"}) -- Toggle Auto Click Upgrade local Click = w:Toggle("Auto Click Upgrade", {flag = "AutoClickUpgrade"}) -- Auto Tix Exchange local exchange = w:Toggle("Auto Tix Exchange", {flag = "AutoTixExchange"}) -- [[ Script Functions ]] -- -- Money Farm spawn(function() while wait() do if w.flags.MoneyFarm then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ClientClick:FireServer() end end end) -- Auto Sell RAP spawn(function() while wait(1) do if w.flags.AutoSellRap then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.InventoryActions:InvokeServer("SellUnder", Rap_Amount) end end end) -- Auto Click Upgrade spawn(function() while wait(1) do if w.flags.AutoClickUpgrade then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.StoreActions:InvokeServer("Upgrade","Clicks") end end end) -- Auto Case Time Upgrade spawn(function() while wait(1) do if w.flags.CaseTimeUpgrade then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.StoreActions:InvokeServer("Upgrade","CaseTime") end end end) -- Auto Tix Exchange spawn(function() while wait() do if w.flags.AutoTixExchange then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.GamesActions:InvokeServer("Exchange",1) end end end) -- [[ Auto Tix Window ]] -- -- Auto Tix spawn(function() while wait() do if y.flags.AutoTixStock then -- GUI (Stock Price) local curr_stock_price = PlrGui.Gui.Frames.Games.Stock.Body.Placeholder.StockPrice.Inner.Price.Text -- GUI (Local Plr Tixs) local curr_tix_amt = PlrGui.Gui.Hotbar.Container.Stats.Tix.Main.Amount.Text -- Check current price and buy/sell if tonumber(curr_stock_price) = 45 then -- Calculate amt we can buy local amt_count = (tonumber(curr_tix_amt) / tonumber(curr_stock_price)) Amt_Bought = math.floor(amt_count - 0.5) -- Round Down -- Amt Cap if Amt_Bought > 50 then Amt_Bought = 50; end -- Less then or equal to 35 (Buy) GameActions:InvokeServer("Stock", "Buy", Amt_Bought ) Bought = 1; -- Set flag end elseif tonumber(curr_stock_price) >= 70 and Bought == 1 then GameActions:InvokeServer("Stock", "Sell", Amt_Bought ) -- Equal to or more than 70 (Sell) Bought = 0; end end end end) -- [[ Case Opener Window ]] -- local Selected_Case = "Starter"; -- Case Selection local Cases = x:Dropdown("Select Case", {flag = "casenums"; list = {"Starter"; "Noobie"; "Stepping"; "Learning"; "Funding"; "Business"; "Legendary"; "Marcellus"; "Famous"; "Mythic"; "Eirene"; "Aeschylus"; "Olysseus";}}, function(v) Selected_Case = v; end) -- Toggle Auto Case Open spawn(function() while wait(1) do if x.flags.AutoCase then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.OpenCase:InvokeServer(Selected_Case) end end end) -- provided by cat man and hamsta man for i,v in pairs(getconnections(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled)) do v:Disable() end