Unite Aimbot & ESP | Using DendroESP!

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Script Credit :- Nahida#5000


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-- PRESS T TO TOGGLE THE AIMBOT ON & OFF. --//Setting Up DendroESP\\-- local DendroESP = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LordNahida/DendroESP/main/V2/Source.lua"))(); DendroESP.WallPenThickness = 0.75; DendroESP.RenderModelState = true; local PlayerModels = Workspace.Playermodels; local Characters = PlayerModels:GetChildren(); --//Creating the ESP\\-- for _ = 2, #Characters do local Character = Characters[_]; local Proxy = DendroESP:AddCharacter(Character, "BoundingBox"); Proxy.CrosshairEnabled = true; Proxy.CrosshairOffset = CFrame.new(0, 1.5, 0); Proxy.Offset3D = CFrame.new(0, 3, 0); Proxy.RadialHitbox = 50; end; PlayerModels.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Character) task.wait(1); local Proxy = DendroESP:AddCharacter(Character, "BoundingBox"); Proxy.CrosshairEnabled = true; Proxy.CrosshairOffset = CFrame.new(0, 1.5, 0); Proxy.Offset3D = CFrame.new(0, 3, 0); Proxy.RadialHitbox = 50; end); --//Aimbot Toggle\\-- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local AimbotOn = false; local AssistFactor = 10; UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessedEvent) if (GameProcessedEvent) then return; end; if (Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.T) then AimbotOn = not AimbotOn; return; end; if (Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Plus) then AssistFactor += 1; return; end; if (Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Minus) then AssistFactor -= 1; return; end; end) --//Aimbot\\-- local SQ2 = 2 ^ 0.5; --[[ PostRender is a built-in DendroESP event that is fired every frame after the ESP renders that frame. It gives a table as the parameters, which contains all ESP Proxies that were non-negative and on screen. (non-negative = can be shot, whether through a wallbang or not.) ]] DendroESP.PostRender:Connect(function(Tables) if (#Tables == 0 or not AimbotOn) then return; end; local MPos = DendroESP.MousePos;--Built-in value in DendroESP that gives the mouse position every frame. --This gives the true mouse position, not the one relative to the GUI Inset. local Closest, ClosestDist = Tables[1], (Tables[1].CrosshairCenter2D - MPos).Magnitude; for _ = 2, #Tables do local Current = Tables[_]; local CDist = (Current.CrosshairCenter2D - MPos).Magnitude; local IsCloser = CDist 100) then return; end; local Delta = (Closest.CrosshairCenter2D - MPos); local Factor = math.min(Delta.Magnitude, SQ2 + AssistFactor); Delta = Delta.Unit * Factor; mousemoverel(Delta.X, Delta.Y); end);