Welcome to Bloxburg

Script Credit :- cooper2723

Welcome to Bloxburg

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local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local jobHandler = require(player.PlayerScripts.Modules.JobHandler) local guiHandler = require(player.PlayerScripts.Modules._Utilities.GUIHandler) local networkModule = getupvalue(jobHandler.GoToWork, 1) if not network then local spoofed = getfenv(jobHandler.GoToWork); hookfunction(getrenv().getfenv, function() return spoofed end) getgenv().network = networkModule.net end jobHandler.StopWorking = function(...) return end guiHandler.AlertBox = function() end function character() return player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() end function tp(cf) local character = character() local cloned = character.Humanoid:Clone() character.Humanoid.Parent = nil task.wait() cloned.Parent = character task.wait(.5) if cf then character:PivotTo(cf) end end function getPizza() return workspace.Environment.Locations:WaitForChild("PizzaPlanet").Conveyor.MovingBoxes:FindFirstChildOfClass("UnionOperation") end function getMoped() network:InvokeServer({ Type = "UsePizzaMoped" }) end function doOrder() if game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Stats[player.Name].Job.Value == "" then task.spawn(function() network:InvokeServer({ Type = "ToWork", Name = "PizzaPlanetDelivery" }) end) task.wait(3) end repeat task.wait() getMoped() until character():FindFirstChild("Vehicle_Delivery Moped") repeat task.wait() character().Humanoid.Jump = true until character().Humanoid.Sit == false task.wait(0.15) for i=1, 20 do character():PivotTo(CFrame.new(1173,13,271)) task.wait() end task.wait(0.15) local pizza repeat pizza = getPizza() task.wait() until pizza task.wait(1) local customer = network:InvokeServer({ Type = "TakePizzaBox", Box = pizza }) if not customer then repeat customer = network:InvokeServer({ Type = "TakePizzaBox", Box = pizza }) task.wait(1) until customer end pcall(function() if customer:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then tp(customer.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame) task.wait(0.2) repeat network:FireServer({ Type = "DeliverPizza", Customer = customer}) task.wait(0.1) until not character():FindFirstChild("Pizza Box") character():Destroy() end end) repeat task.wait() until character() task.wait(5) end repeat doOrder() until nil