xSuite | Easy Value Spoofing [Infinite Ammo, Infinite Stamina etc] [UNIVERSAL]

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Script Credit :- Endriu#0001

Only works for SynX

How To Use Example :- Here

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local Service = setmetatable({},{__index = function(_, x) return game:GetService(x); end;}) local __ENV, __INDEX = getgenv(), {{'table', 'function', 'string'}}; local ins, find, form = table.insert, table.find, string.format; for i, __type in next, {'number', 'boolean'} do ins(__INDEX, {__type, unpack(__INDEX[i])}); end; local output = { normal = {'number'}; table = {'number'}; }; local setup = { anti_break = false; }; __ENV.__cache = __ENV.__cache or {}; local serialize = function(...) for i, __info in next, {...} do local level = __info[2] or #__INDEX; local indexed = __INDEX[level]; local __type = type(__info[1]); if not find(indexed, __type) then return false, warn(form('Invalid value [level %s] expected {%s}, got %s.', level, table.concat(indexed, ','), __type)) end; end; return true; end; local parse = function(r, ...) local f, t, s = ...; for i, str in next, f(t) do if type(s) == 'string' and type(str) == 'string' then if str:lower():match(s:lower()) and not find(r, t) then ins(r, t); end; elseif type(s) == 'number' and type(str) == 'number' and str == s then ins(r, t); end; end; end; local is_roblox_script = function(f) local script = getfenv(f).script; if script and (script.RobloxLocked or script:IsDescendantOf(Service.Chat) or script.Name == 'FreecamScript') then return true; end; return false; end; __ENV.__find = function(s,...) local r = {}; for _, func in next, getgc() do if type(func) == 'function' and islclosure(func) and not is_synapse_function(func) and not is_roblox_script(func) then for _, f in next, {'getupvalues','getconstants'} do parse(r, __ENV[f], func, s); end; end; end; return r,...; end; __ENV.dump = function(...) local x, p = __find(...); local warn = p == false and function() end or warn; if type(x) ~= 'table' or #x == 0 then return warn'[ERROR] No functions have been returned.' end; warn(('====> [INIT] Found %s functions! 0 then for _, func in next, funcs do local upv = __ENV.getupvalues(func); for __n, __v in next, upv do if type(__v) == 'table' and rawget(__v, tostring(index)) then local v = __v[index]; if setup.anti_break and type(v) ~= type(new_val) then return warn(form('[ERROR :: anti_break = true] Attempt to change [%s] in [%s], type values must be the same!', type(v), type(new_val))) end; if not rawequal(__v[index], new_val) then if changed then __v[index] = nil; setmetatable(__v, { __newindex = function(self, i, v) if i == index then if type(changed) == 'function' then changed(i, v); end; else rawset(self, i, v); end; end; __index = function(self, v) if v == index then return new_val; end; end; }); end; __v[index] = new_val; warn(form('[SUCCESS-%sTABLE :: %s] %s changed in %s', changed and 'LOOPING-' or '', tostring(index), v, tostring(new_val))); end; elseif type(__v) == 'number' and rawequal(__n, index) and not rawequal(__v, new_val) then if setup.anti_break and type(__v) ~= type(new_val) then return warn(form('[ERROR :: anti_break = true] Attempt to change [%s] in [%s], type values must be the same!', type(v), type(new_val))) end; __ENV.setupvalue(func, __n, new_val); warn(form('[SUCCESS-NUMBER :: %s] %s changed in %s', tostring(index), __v, tostring(new_val))); end; end; end; __ENV.__cache[entry] = funcs; else return warn'[ERROR] Could not find UPVAL.'; end; end;

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