Zeerox Aimbot Library

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Script Credit :- Zeerox#5847
--BROUGHT TO YOU BY RobloxScripter.com!--

local aimbot = loadstring(game:HttpGet'https://github.com/RunDTM/Zeerox-Aimbot/raw/main/library.lua')() aimbot.Enabled = true -- is aimbot enabled aimbot.Key = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 -- aimbot key aimbot.Smoothing = 0 -- aimbot smoothness aimbot.Offset = {0, 0} -- offset for aimbot aimbot.TeamCheck = true -- is team checking enabled aimbot.AliveCheck = true -- is player alive aimbot.Players = true -- is aimbot for default player characters enabled aimbot.PlayerPart = 'Head' -- part of default player character to aim aimbot.FriendlyPlayers = {'name1', 'name2'} -- list of whitelisted players aimbot.FOV = 200 -- aimbot fov aimbot.FOVCircleColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) -- color of fov circle aimbot.ShowFOV = true -- is fov circle visible aimbot.CustomParts = {Instance.new('Part', workspace)} -- list of custom parts for aimbot, useful for games with custom characters

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